索洛模型 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
梭羅-史旺模型(Solow–Swan model),又稱索洛增长模型(Solow growth model)、新古典经济增长模型、外生经济增长模型(exogenous growth model),在新古典经济学框架内提出的著名经济增长模型。
Robert Solow - Wikipedia
Robert Merton Solow, GCIH (/ ˈ s oʊ l oʊ /; August 23, 1924 – December 21, 2023) was an American economist who received the 1987 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and whose work on the theory of economic growth culminated in …
Solow Model(索罗模型) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Solow Model的技术是免费的,是一种非竞争性和非排他性的公共品。 (一旦社会中存在某种提高生产效率的知识,该知识就被任何企业使用,而不会影响他人使用(非竞争性),并且防止其他人使用是困难的(非排他性)。
Solow–Swan model - Wikipedia
The Solow–Swan model or exogenous growth model is an economic model of long-run economic growth. It attempts to explain long-run economic growth by looking at capital accumulation, labor or population growth, and increases in productivity largely driven by technological progress.
高级宏观经济学笔记 1 Solow Model(更新中) - 知乎专栏
Evaluating the Basic Solow Model † Why are some countries rich (have high per worker GDP) and others are poor (have low per worker GDP)? † Solow model: if all countries are in their steady states, then: 1. Rich countries have higher saving (investment) rates than poor coun-tries 2. Rich countries have lower population growth rates than poor ...
中级宏观经济学 | 第3讲:索洛增长模型 - 知乎
2024年1月10日 · 索洛增长模型是为了说明在一个经济体中,资本存量的增长、劳动的增长以及技术进步如何相互作用,以及它们如何影响一国物品与劳务的总产出。 首先我们来看物品的供求如何决定资本积累。 在本节,我们假设劳动力和技术不变。 索洛模型的物品供给即为经济产出 Y,其大小取决于资本存量和劳动力: Y=F (K,L) \\ 另外,模型假设 生产函数 具有规模报酬不变的性质,这意味着: \frac {Y} {L}=F (\frac {K} {L},\frac {L} {L}) \\ 令 y=\frac {Y} {L} 表示每个工人的产 …
In this lecture note, we will go over our rst, basic, mathematical model of the macroeconomy: the Solow model. We are going to use this model extensively to understand economic growth over time and in the cross-section of countries.
索洛经济增长模型(Solow Growth Model),又称新古典经济增 …
2024年12月3日 · 索洛经济增长模型(Solow Growth Model),又称新古典经济增长模型或外生经济增长模型,是由美国经济学家罗伯特·索洛(Robert M. Solow)在1956年提出的,用以解释经济增长的长期趋势和动态。
Solow's Model of Growth (With Diagram) - Economics Discussion
Prof. Robert M. Solow made his model an alternative to Harrod-Domar model of growth. It ensures steady growth in the long run period without any pitfalls. Prof. Solow assumed that Harrod-Domar’s model was based on some unrealistic assumptions like fixed factor proportions, constant capital output ratio etc.