Gendron-Somua AMR 39 - Wikipedia
The Gendron-Somua AMR 39 was a prototype French armoured car. 12 years after the end of World War I, the French fleet of armoured cars was still made up of obsolete White AM …
Somua - Wikipedia
Somua, an acronym for Société d'outillage mécanique et d'usinage d'artillerie, was a French company that manufactured machinery and vehicles. A subsidiary of Schneider-Creusot, …
Gendron-Somua AMR 39 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Gendron-Somua AMR 39 was a prototype French armoured car. 12 years after the end of World War I, the French fleet of armoured cars was still made up of obsolete White AM …
SOMUA S35 - Wikipedia
The SOMUA S35 was a French cavalry tank of the Second World War. Built from 1936 until 1940 to equip the armoured divisions of the Cavalry, it was for its time a relatively agile medium …
Tank Archives: Don't Leave Well Enough Alone
2018年2月4日 · On March 25th, 1936, the French cavalry accepted the Automitrailleuse de Combat modèle 1935 S into service. More commonly known as the SOMUA S 35, this tank …
SOMUA S35 — Wikipédia
Le SOMUA S35 est un char de cavalerie français de la Seconde Guerre mondiale produit entre 1936 et 1940 par SOMUA. Avec le char lourd B1 Bis, il est considéré comme le meilleur char …
法国SOMUAS-35中型坦克 - 百度百科
法国索玛S-35型中型坦克是世界上第一辆用钢铁作为材料制造而成的坦克。 1936年开始服役于法国部队。 在1940年,作为世界上最好的中型坦克,许多专家都十分关注索玛-35型坦克。 …
Somua SM | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Raining Fire" as a premium pack in the Gaijin store, the Somua SM will be a familiar tank to French players; it possesses the excellent 100 mm SA47 L/58 autoloaded …
SOMUA S35 with Ordnance QF 6-Pounder - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年3月28日 · The Ordnance QF 6-pounder was the main anti-tank gun of the British Empire. It was mounted on tanks such as the Cromwell and on armored cars such as the AEC Mk. II for …
SOMUA : une aventure industrielle - Fondation Berliet
Entre 1929 et 1939, Somua propose un catalogue impressionnant de matériels variés (autobus, véhicules de voirie et d’incendie, matériels ferroviaires, bennes, pompes, citernes, châssis …