FE 12-24mm F4 G Full-frame Ultra-wide Zoom G Lens - Sony …
Covering the widest range available in any full-frame E-mount lens, the FE 12-24mm F4 G zoom offers unprecedented expressive potential for landscapes, cityscapes, architecture, and other expansive subjects. Refined ultra-wide-angle optics capture sweeping scenes with dynamic perspectives plus outstanding resolution and clarity.
索尼SEL1224G_Sony SEL1224G_镜头|报价,价格,配置,详情-索尼中国 …
索尼SEL1224G,在线购买Sony SEL1224G,了解最全的索尼 SEL1224G图片,报价,介绍信息,最新的索尼SEL1224G配置,报价信息,尽在索尼中国在线商城.
感受G标超广角镜头魅力:Sony FE 12-24mm F4 G - 什么值得买
2017年10月12日 · 索尼(SONY)FE12-24mmF4G 全画幅超广角G镜头(SEL1224G) 11699元 12-24mm的超广角带来宽广视角范围,在整个焦段内,展现G镜头的出色高分辨率。 直驱超声波马达实现快速安静对焦。 京东 去购买. 索尼 FE 12-24mm F4 G是一只灯泡内变焦超广角 镜头。 确实来讲,FE 12-24mm F4 G的12MM 端太广阔了,让人不太容易把握边角的画面。 这样一来的结果就是周围有太多不必要的物件会闯入拍摄画面。 另外由于12MM端接近约121度的视角,这样 …
Sony FE 12-24mm f/4 G Lens - B&H Photo Video
Ultra-wide and versatile, the Sony FE 12-24mm f/4 G is a flexible, everyday wide zoom characterized by its nimble design and well-rounded performance that makes it ideal for architectural, interior, and landscape subjects. And, as a G Lens, priority has been given to the optical design, which specifically helps to reduce distortion and achieve ...
Sony - FE 12-24mm F4 G Wide-Angle Zoom Lens …
2017年5月19日 · Get a fresh dynamic perspective with Sony’s widest full-frame E-mount lens*. Its ultra-wide 12-24mm range features cutting-edge refinements for stunning corner-to-corner G Lens resolution at all apertures, while quiet, fast, precise autofocus make it …
- 评论数: 91
超广角小钢炮 索尼FE12-24mm F4 G评测 - fengniao.com
这枚全画幅的超广角变焦镜头直径87mm,仅565g,而同规格的适马Art 12-24mm F4 DG HSM直径102mm,重1150g。 这样的体积搭配索尼A7RII机身十分协调,接下来我们通过一组图赏为大家详细介绍一下这支镜头。
超廣中的超廣,Sony 12-24mm F4 G 開箱試拍 - 巷子裡的生活
2017年7月1日 · 雖說超廣廣到一個境界之後就會變得不易駕馭,不過好在之前有試過 Voigtlander 10mm f/5.6 這顆全幅最廣鏡頭,初試 Sony 12-24mm F4 G,對這顆鏡頭的視角與透視倒是沒有很意外的驚奇感。
索尼 FE 12-24/4 G 综述 - xitek.com
这支超广角g镜头fe 12-24/4 g是索尼目前焦距最广的e卡口全画幅镜头,宽广的视野范围让用户可拍摄更具冲击力和空间感的照片,可胜任风光、建筑、室内摄影等题材的拍摄。
Sony FE 12-24mm F4 G Overview - Digital Photography Review
2017年5月17日 · The Sony 12-24mm F4 G is designed for the company's full-frame mirrorless cameras. It features ED and Super ED elements as well as a Nano AR coating. An internal Direct Drive SSM focus motor is quiet and precise. It has 7 circular aperture blades, a minimum focus distance of 0.28m and max magnification of 0.14x.
- 评论数: 1
Sony FE 12-24mm F4 G Review - PCMag
2017年12月14日 · The FE 12-24mm F4 G fills a gap in Sony's mirrorless camera system—it's a full-frame lens that's as wide as any you can get for a Nikon SLR, and comes very close to matching Canon's...
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