BVM-E251 - Sony Professional
The BVM-E251 monitor can accept almost any SD or HD video format, such as analog composite video, HDMI and SDI, and variable computer signals through HDMI. The monitor supports the HDMI specification for RGB/YCC full range*.
Sony BVM E251 24.5" TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference BVM
The BVM E251 24.5" TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference Monitor from Sony features a wide viewing angle for critical picture evaluation in the studio and on-set for professional applications such as color grading, high-end editing, broadcasting and scientific research.
BVM-E251 24.5 英寸 4K OLED 关键型参考级监视器 - 索尼中国专 …
索尼有机发光二极管 (oled) 技术和信号处理技术能够确保 bvm-e251 在色彩分级、高端编辑、广播和科学研究等专业应用领域发挥出色性能。 由视角决定的色差已降为不到第一代 OLED 面板的一半。
24.5-inch TRIMASTER ELTM reference monitor, with 2nd Gen OLED. Dramatically improved viewing angle for critical picture evaluation in the studio and on-set.
BVM-E251 | プロフェッショナルモニター - ソニー
bvm-e251 希望小売価格1,540,000円(税込) 付属:AC電源コード×1、ACプラグホルダー×1、HDMIケーブルホルダー×1、ご使用になる前に(日本語、英語)×1、保証書×1
Sony BVM E251 25" 4K TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference ... - Adorama
Buy: Sony BVM E251 25" 4K TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference Full HD Monitor, 1920x1080 MFR: BVM E251. Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Mount Type: Rack Mount
BVM-E251 主な仕様 | プロフェッショナルモニター - ソニー
ソニー プロフェッショナルモニター 公式ウェブサイト。プロフェッショナルモニターbvm-e251の商品ページ。bvm-e251の主な仕様をご紹介いたします。
Sony BVM-E251 24.5-inch TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical
Introducing the Sony BVM-E251 24.5-inch TRIMASTER EL reference monitor, with 2nd Gen OLED. Featuring a dramatically improved viewing angle for critical picture evaluation in the studio, on-set and on location.
Sony BVM-E251 24.5" TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference Monitor
The BVM E251 24.5" TRIMASTER EL OLED Critical Reference Monitor from Sony features a wide viewing angle for critical picture evaluation in the studio and on-set for professional applications such as color grading, high-end editing, broadcasting and scientific research.
BVM-E251 - Sony Professional
The BVM-E251 monitor can accept almost any SD or HD video format, such as analogue composite video, HDMI and SDI, and variable computer signals through HDMI. The monitor supports the HDMI specification for RGB/YCC full range*.
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