DSC-RX0 Specifications | Sony USA
14 Models capable of extended-gamut recording and HDMI transmission function for both still images and movies. 15 Passed MIL-STD810G C1 Method 516.7-Shock test onto 1.97" …
RX0 II 1” (1.0-type) sensor ultra-compact camera - Sony Electronics
The RX0 II compresses the high-quality imaging technology from the RX-series into an ultra-compact, robust and waterproof body. The ZEISS<sup>®</sup> Tessar T* 24mm<sup>1</sup> F4.0 fixed wide-angle lens, paired with the 1” (1.0-type) stacked back-illuminated 15.3MP5 Exmor RS™ CMOS image sensor and BIONZ X™ image processor deliver sharp ...
Sony RX0 II Digital Camera - B&H Photo Video
Sony has worked wonders with the RX0 II, creating a premium, ultra-compact, and tough camera with an outstanding feature set for both stills and video. This form factor makes it ideal for …
RX0 系列 | Sony Hong Kong
RX0 與極致精巧機身與尖端的鏡頭、感光元件和影像處理器無縫整合。 在任何情況下塑造驚人品質。 將性能和靈活極致發揮,並將煩瑣程序減至最少。 推進每個層面,令所有影像都如此特 …
RX0 II防水輕便相機 | Sony Hong Kong
RX0 II 是一款細小但完備的相機,便於四處攜帶,並可隨時拍攝高品質影像。 相機設計簡單,並無突起部分,更易安裝、整理和儲存。 無論在淡水或海水中浮潛,在池畔還是雷暴中拍攝,RX0 II 可大大提高種種拍攝可能。 你無需怕相機給雨水或飲品濺濕而捉襟見肘,你還可以在沙塵滾滾的沙漠中自如拍攝。 所有情況都不需要使用特別的防水殼或附加配件。 配備防撞設計,你無需擔心出現突發意外。 RX0 II 的堅固機身可承受從 2.0(6.5 呎)高空跌落的衝擊。 您可將相機隨便放入 …
SONY DSC-RX0 - 百度百科
SONY DSC-RX0搭载拥有约1530万有效像素的1.0英寸Exmor RS CMOS影像传感器;配备蔡司Tessar T镜头,最大光圈F4.0,焦距f=(35毫米换算)24毫米;ISO感光度最高支持12800,拥有Wi-Fi、蓝牙、高清输出等功能。
RX0(DSC-RX0) | デジタルスチルカメラ Cyber-shot サイバー …
最高1/32000秒のアンチディストーションシャッターや最高約16コマ/秒(*1)の高速連写、最大960fps(40倍)のスーパースローモーション(*2)など、イメージセンサーの高速読み出しにより実現する多彩な撮影表現が可能です。 また、画素加算のない全画素読み出しによる4K(*3)動画のHDMIクリア出力、ピクチャープロファイル、S-Log2(*4)、動画プリセットフォーカスなど、プロフェッショナルの映像制作をサポートし、表現の幅を広げる撮影機能 …
Sony DSC-RX0 Overview - Digital Photography Review
2017年8月31日 · The RX0 can capture both 4K (which can be output over HDMI) and super-slow-mo 960/1000 fps video. This cube-shaped camera measures just 59 x 40 x 30mm, weighs just 110 g and manages to squeeze in a 1.5" LCD. The RX0 is waterproof, shockproof from 2m, crushproof to 200kgf and dustproof.
Sony RX0 II premium tiny tough camera
Super-compact and lightweight, the RX0 II is built to be tough and resilient. Throw it in your bag or carry it from a strap without worries, and use it in settings where you could never shoot before. The RX0 II is a serious camera in a tiny package. It's easy to carry anywhere you go, and it delivers high-quality images wherever you shoot.
Sony 1.0-type Sensor Ultra-Compact Camera with Waterproof and ...
2017年9月5日 · With boundless capability contained within a strong, waterproof, miniature body, the RX0 combines cutting-edge imaging performance and rugged, ready-for-anything design for more versatile operation all around, whether on its own or with multi-camera systems and accessories. Shoot freely. View the results as you like.