[開箱] 會想每天帶出門的相機。Fujifilm X100V - Mobile01
2021年10月30日 · X100V最愛的就是他跟底片相機一樣的操作方式,滿滿的儀式感,操作起來超級的舒服! 那個旁軸的觀景窗,不一樣的構圖方式外還整個提升顏值,光帶出門掛在身上心情就很好。 以上9成都是直接用經典底片的濾鏡,沒有額外的調色處理。 不過以平常上街亂拍來說很夠用的了。 後來又再買了一顆原廠電池,兩顆出門應該能夠應付了。 版主唉居已發落! 在想這是通病還是只是我剛好買到機皇.. 要趕快拿去換.. 可以直接加買廣角套筒 (? 版主唉居已發落! 對焦... ( …
Fujifilm X100V review: The most capable prime-lens compact …
2020年4月8日 · Through each successive iteration, Fujifilm has made its large-sensor, prime-lens compact camera more and more capable, and this latest model (officially pronounced Ex One Hundred Vee) takes the core bits of Fujifilm's high-end interchangeable-lens X-Pro3 and slips them into a much smaller package.
Sony RX100 VII vs Fujifilm X100V - RTINGS.com
The Fujifilm X100V and the Sony RX100 VII are both premium point-and-shoot cameras. The Fujifilm is a little better overall, but each camera has different strengths and weaknesses.
Sony SRS-XB100 Wireless Bluetooth Portable Lightweight Super …
POWERFUL SOUND ANYWHERE: Enjoy powerful, clear sound, with a deep bass anywhere you go. Improved driver enhances low-end tones, delivering powerful sound with a deep bass. COMPACT SPEAKER WITH VERASTILE STRAP: With a specially engineered strap, the super-portable XB100 is easy to travel with.
富士 X100V | 相机 | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX - China
[Full HD (1920×1080) High speed rec.] 120p/100p, 200Mbps (recording), up to approx. 6min. *For recording movies, use a SD memory card with UHS Speed Class 3 or higher. Approx. 0.5sec. *1 存储卡兼容性请见Fujifilm网站. *2 Exif 2.3是一种数码相机文件格式,其中包含各种拍摄信息以实现优质打印。 *3 电子快门可能不适用于快速移动的物体。 无法使用闪光灯。 *4 根据CIPA标准,充满电后可拍摄的大概张数或视频录制时间。 关于持续使用的注意事项–X100V.
【開箱文】復古冒險家。富士 Fujifilm X100V review - Mobile01
2021年1月22日 · 整體而言,X100V比較符合我想要的隨身機,加上X100系列的外型一直都是我的菜,最終決定將它留在身邊。 X100V入手至今四個多月,實際拍攝時間差不多兩個月有餘。 期間我幾乎天天出門都會帶著它,顏值爆表、復古情懷滿點的多滾輪轉盤,加上超級討喜的底片色彩模式,讓我省下不少後製時間。 入手四個月只拍兩個月的原因不是偷懶,而是入手第二週時,在某個早晨前去咖啡廳寫文,拍完早餐它忽然就變磚了,接下來就是漫長的6個星期送修時間,超級 …
Lust for Fujifilm X100V cured by Sony pancake
2022年5月6日 · I had been lusting after the Fujifilm X100V (silver model) as a stylish, retro, fun, and compact APS-C camera. It has a fixed 23mm f/2.0 lens. However, I decided to first buy a used Sony 20mm f/2.8 pancake lens for my a6000 to see how I …
Trying to decide between Fuji X100V and the Sony RX100 VII
2021年6月20日 · The X100V is a great camera, but it is meaningfully larger and heavier than the Sony RX series, and it’s not all that pocketable (a jacket pocket would work, but not your pants/shorts pockets). It’s a truly fantastic camera otherwise, but just know that the size and weight difference compared to the Sony is relatively significant.
Fujifilm X100V Digital Camera - Silver - amazon.com
Pairing this exceptional, 26.1MP, back-side illuminated sensor and powerful quad-core CPU results in incredible quality, wide dynamic range, lightning-fast processing and precision AF performance, right down to -5EV.
纯粹摄影性能提升的创作利器 富士X100V评测 - fengniao.com
配置方面,富士X100V搭载了与旗舰机型X-T3一致的X-Trans CMOS 4背照式传感器和X-Processor 4高速图像处理引擎,这让X100V拥有2610万有效像素,大幅提升对焦速度和连拍速度,并且提高了画面质量和动态范围。 开机响应时间低至0.5秒。 同时采用了全新23mm f/2.0大光圈人文定焦镜头,相比前代所用镜头,这支新镜保留了(等效35mm格式下的)35mm的经典人文焦段,我个人也是非常喜欢35mm焦段的定焦镜头。 除此以外,富士X100V还采用了全新的双向翻折液晶触 …