Soso (@soso_kipik) • Instagram photos and videos
397 Followers, 5 Following, 0 Posts - Soso (@soso_kipik) on Instagram: "Palestine vivra, Palestine vaincra "
SOSO (@sosopinkypie) - TikTok
SOSO (@sosopinkypie) bei TikTok |74.8M Likes.2.5M Follower*innen.23 🎬 IG: sosopinkypie Hier gibt's meinen Planer👇🏼📖.Schau dir das neueste Video von SOSO (@sosopinkypie) an. Überspringen zum Inhalts-Feed
sosopinkypie - YouTube
I’m Soso ᡣ • . • 𐭩 Hier gibts meinen Planer zu kaufen👇🏼📖 https://tidd.ly/3wMxR91 Instagram: sosopinkypie Tiktok: sosopinkypie Business: [email protected]
公园少女 - 百度百科
公园少女(공원소녀、GWSN、Girls in the Park)是Kiwi Media Group于2018年9月5日推出的韩国女子演唱组合,由王靖仪(Soso)、金序璟(SeoKyoung)、宫内晴香(Miya)、李豫领(SeoRyoung)、李茜英(Anne)、姜敏周(MinJu)、姜莱娜(Lena)七人组成。
SOSO (@sosopinkypie) • Instagram photos and videos
170K Followers, 414 Following, 217 Posts - SOSO (@sosopinkypie) on Instagram: "Creator • Actress • Filmstudent🎬 💌Collaboration: [email protected] Hier bekommt ihr meinen Planer👇🏼📖"
Kimiko Glenn - Wikipedia
Kimiko Glenn (born June 27, 1989) [1] is an American actress known for portraying Brook Soso in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, for which she received three ensemble Screen Actors Guild Awards.
搜狗搜索引擎 - 上网从搜狗开始
王靖儀 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
王靖儀 (朝鮮語:왕징이 Wang Jing-Yi,2001年3月14日 —),藝名為 Soso (韓語: 소소),韓國 KIWI MEDIA GROUP 旗下女團“ 公園少女 ”成員之一,在隊伍裡擔當形象以及副唱 [1][2][3]。 2017年7月 KIWI MEDIA GROUP 娛樂至 莊敬高職 舉辦徵選會,因而入選赴韓做練習生。 2017年,就讀 莊敬高職 高一時,曾接受 自由時報 採訪 [4]。 2018年6月20日,“ 公園少女 ”公開成員ANNE與Soso出道預告照片與影片。 2020年1月17日,公司在粉絲官咖宣佈Soso因腳傷 …
Brook Soso | Orange Is the New Black Wiki | Fandom
Brook Soso is a former inmate at Litchfield Penitentiary, portrayed by Kimiko Glenn. She is currently in FDC Cleveland following the riot in Season 5. She is first seen in "Hugs Can Be Deceiving" as a brand new inmate, being shown around and introduced by …
Kimiko Glenn | Orange Is the New Black Wiki | Fandom
Kimiko Glenn is a Japanese-American actress. She portrays Brook Soso in Orange Is the New Black. Glenn was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, where she grew up with her sister Amanda and parents...