Sotillion - Great Library of Greyhawk
Sotillion is the wife of Zilchus, whose prosperity allows her to retain her favorite comforts. She is the daughter of Procan and cousin of Merikka. As one of the Velaeri, Sotillion is the sister of …
Sotillion - Googology Wiki
Sotillion (formerly Sutillion) is equal to 10 3*10 3*10 3*10 2,400 +3. The term was coined by CompactStar (formerly known as Nirvana Supermind) and is part of his unofficial extension of …
Sotillion | D&D Tools
Sotillion is the wife of Zilchus, whose prosperity allows her to retain her favorite comforts. She is the daughter of Procan and cousin of Merikka. As one of the Velaeri, Sotillion is the sister of …
Sotillion – Deities – D&D Tools - Ark Alseif
Sotillion (so-TIL-ee-on) is depicted as a beautiful woman in diaphanous clothes, reclining on a blanket with a bottle of wine, accompanied by a winged, pure-orange tiger (her holy symbol). …
Sotillion Organization in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Sotillion (so-TIL-ee-on) is depicted as a beautiful woman in diaphanous clothes, reclining on a blanket with a bottle of wine, accompanied by a winged, pure-orange tiger (her holy symbol). …
Greyhawk deities - Wikipedia
The legion of fictional deities in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game covers an extensive range of spheres of influence, allowing …
Sotillion - Greyhawk Wiki
2010年10月14日 · Sotillion is the Oeridian goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort. Her holy symbol is a winged tiger of pure orange. Sotillion appears as a beautiful …
Sotillion - Great Library of Greyhawk
Sotillion is the Oeridian goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort. Her holy symbol is a winged tiger of pure orange.
List of Greyhawk deities - Wikipedia
Sotillion is the Oeridian goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort. Her holy symbol is a winged tiger of pure orange. Sotillion was first detailed for the Dungeons & …
Sotillion in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Sotillion is the Oeridian goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort. Her holy symbol is a winged tiger of pure orange. Sotillion appears as a beautiful human woman of …