Sound Cap | Dell 15G PowerEdge Acoustical ... - Dell Technologies
Sound cap is an iDRAC system profile which provides some system performance capping to achieve reduced acoustics without sacrificing reliability. When sound cap is enabled, acoustics are reduced at the expense of system performance.
Sound Cap is a custom thermal profile that is new in the 14th generation of Dell EMC rack servers. Designed for scenarios in which the server is redeployed from a data center into a noise-sensitive environment, Sound Cap results in limits to acoustical output by applying a power-capping percentage to the CPU(s).
Direct from Development - PowerEdge MX7000 Acoustical Options
2020年11月10日 · Sound cap is a custom thermal profile available in the BIOS and iDRAC GUI on MX740c and MX840c sleds. The sound cap feature limits acoustical output by applying a percentage-based power cap to the CPU.
Tips for acoustically sensitive environments | Dell 15G PowerEdge ...
Sound Cap, for products that support the feature and when CPU cooling needs are dictating air mover speeds, can limit maximum acoustical output of the system by sacrificing some CPU performance. ISO standards, ECMA standards, and Dell specs require acoustical tests in 23±2°C ambient temperature.
Cap Soundboard - Instant Sound Buttons | Myinstants
Listen and share sounds of Cap. Find more instant sound buttons on Myinstants!
T440 sound cap - Dell
2020年6月8日 · i'm trying to enable the sound cap in the thermal profile optimization from idrac but i get RAC0618, does anyone know how to enable it? updated to the latest firmware in the lifecycle controller.
声景——听而未觉的声音 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
声景(soundscape) 这一概念最早于20世纪60年代由 Southworth 提出,在1977年由加拿大作曲家 Schafer 推广。 国际标准化组织 (ISO),将声景定义为“ 在给定场景(语境)下,个体、群体或社区所感知、体验或理解的声环境 ”。 如今其已扩展到其他研究领域,例如声学,建筑,环境健康,心理学,社会学和城市研究。 谈及室外声,我们第一反应往往是“噪音”以及如何降噪。 然而不同于传统的控制噪声,声景着眼于听觉、听者、声环境和社会之间的关系,将环境声做为“资 …
混沌:浅析声景构成 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Schafer从声生态(Acoustic Ecology)角度对声音进行了 生态价值 、文化价值和实际应用价值的类型划分,将自然界中的声景分成了三类:基调声(Keynote sounds)、信号声(Signals)和标志声(Marknotes)。 其中,基调声为背景声,它形成了某一个地域或某一种声音的特征,主要指自然界的声音,如风声、水声、动物声等。 虽然环境中的基调声常随着周围环境因素的变化而被人忽视,但环境中所有的声音都需要由背景声来加以衬托;信号声为前景声,包括如钟声、鼓声、 …
SoundCap - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
SoundCap allows you to raise the maximum number of sounds that can play at once, making sounds cut each other off less often. Note! If you launch the game and sounds don't play at all, you may have set the multiplier too high (you have to go really high though).
The immersive music visualizer that lets you build your own beats.
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