meaning of "sozo"? | The Puritan Board
meaning of "sozo"? | The Puritan Board
Eph. 2:8 | The Puritan Board
2007年1月17日 · sesosmenoi, (or sozo, as it is translated literally), is masculine pisteos , is also feminine toutoouk, (or touto, as it is translated literally) is neuter At first this means nothing, until you start to apply Greek grammer rules. Touto is the pronoun. It is the neuter nominative of the feminine houtos, “this.”
Is the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) a “novelty translation”?
2020年5月4日 · The CSB consistently translates words derived from néphó (sober) as self-control and uses “sensible” and “good sense” for other Greek words that could also mean self-control (sōphrona, sōphrosynēs, etc...). sōphrona gets its roots from sozo and phren (safe in mind).
Joseph Prince - The Puritan Board
2008年7月30日 · This man was deaf in one ear. And when he was listening to the teaching on the tape, his deaf ear popped open without anyone laying hands on him or praying for him! He was just listening to the good news when his ear opened. Now, that is what I call the power of God unto his salvation, sozo-ing him, making his hearing whole!
Meaning of Names of God - The Puritan Board
2007年4月1日 · Consider the answer to WLC 101, the preface to the ten commandments: "Wherein God manifesteth his sovereignty, as being JEHOVAH, the eternal, immutable, and almighty God; having his being in and of himself, and giving being to all his words and works."
Jesus and the 10 lepers - The Puritan Board
2006年12月25日 · When our focus is on God with thanksgiving there is a greater blessing. All ten lepers received physical healing, but only the one who returned was made completely whole. When the one leper is told that his faith has made him "well," that word is "sozo" which can also mean to be saved.
Explain 2 Corinthians 5:17 Meaning Of " a new creation"?
2011年1月10日 · I have always wondered if this phrase," a new creation " has any connection with the New Heavens & New Earth spoken of in other Old and New Testament scriptures. What I mean is that when Christ was raised from the dead and became the Firstfruits spoken of in 1 Corinthians 15:20 to 28 at that...
Scripture has only one meaning | The Puritan Board
2014年8月7日 · These are great questions, not only for answering another but also for your own approach to scripture. First, it is helpful to be oriented to where the passage is located in redemptive history. Abraham was not "wrong" about Christ -- he lived long before God had revealed a vast majority of the scriptures to man. He witnessed one of the earliest representations of the covenant of grac
KJV Only | The Puritan Board
2009年3月4日 · I still remember the day I first saw the Greek where Jesus healed a sick man, cast out a demon, and saved another from sin, and it was all "sozo". All the same word, with at least three english words used to translate. I find arguements about which English version is best to be of course important, because we want the best translation possible.