SPAU and SPDD change requests in one transport?
Besides the adjustments in transaction SPAU your upgrade is completed now and productive operation is possible. All SPAU activities can be performed without SSCR for a period of 14 days after you first entered this phase. Do n o t continue with SAPup if you plan to use the result of the adjustments for any subsequent SAP system.
spau and spdd issues - SAP Community
While doing upgradation from ECC 4.7 to ECC 6.0 in SPDD phase all the objects were done reset to original in every tree i.e. with modification and without modification.Currently in SPAU when I am doing without modification all the objects are showing red traffic light.So is it possible for me to check what object were changed during SPDD as in ...
SPDD & SPAU - SAP Community
Can anyone give a clear picture about the SPDD and SPAU? Also say about the role it plays during upgradation!!! Other documents for BASIS and upgradation are welcomed!!! Please post the documents to [email protected]. Thanks in Advance!!! Regards, …
Performing SPAU after upgrade - Obsolete Note Correction
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SPAU issue for Unknow adjustment mode (Question mark)
I am performing SPAU activities first time. We are upgrading system from ECC6.0 EHP6 to ECC 6.0 EHP7. While doing SPAU activities for Question marks (Unknown Adjustment) object Back ground job triggering and it is getting canceled status.
Tcode SPAU Objects in the Without Modification Assistant
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BADI Implemetations in SPAU - SAP Community
I have some BADI implemtations with red cross in my SPAU list during Ecc 5 to 6 upgrade. When I try clicking on these cross icon, confirm popup arises with the followup pop which says "This object rquires post-processing. Did u complete all Post processing activities?" What are the step involved in completing these SPAU items? Thanks in advance ...
tcode : spau - SAP Community
Hi Experts, Please help me in knowing this tcode SPAU. How to use it.insted of links pls send me a documents. Thank You for helping in advanc
SPAU issues - SAP Community
SPAU issues. 37 Views. Follow RSS Feed We have upgraded our system to EHP7 and i am currently facing an ...
HR objects in SPAU | SAP Community
In the SPAU list we now find a lot of HR objects - personnel calculation rules, Symbolic constants and wage types and others. Examples: Personnel Calculation Rule Z001. Wage Type 09 2400. Form 09 9MOO. Group for sem. short text for PD plan AUTSW. Semantic short name for PD plan ORGPD. Symbolic constants (with currency) 09 &FKMI