Spical | Spider Mite Control | Predatory Mites (Neoseiulus …
Discover Spical, Koppert's solution for biological pest control of spider mites species. Implement Spical for sustainable pest management.
How to use Spical from Koppert Video | DoMyOwn.com
Koppert Spical (Amblyseius californicus) is a unique product that's specially designed to effectively control spider mites.
Ten facts about Spical | Koppert Global
2022年8月9日 · Ten need-to-know facts about Spical. Spical controls all types of spider mites that make webs, both in greenhouses and outdoors. The product can be used in vegetable crops …
Koppert Spical (Amblyseius californicus) 250 ml (4906) - Do My Own
It contains Neoseiulus californicus (formerly known as Amblyseius californicus) which specifically targets fruit spider mite (Panonychus ulmi), two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), …
Koppert Spical Plus (Amblyseius californicus) 100 Pack (491) - Do …
The Koppert Spical-Plus are effective predatory mites that eliminates a variety of spider mites and other pests that permanently damages crops and leaves. It kills spider mites during early …
Spical: The effective weapon against all types of spider mite
Spical is a perfect part of a biological control strategy. Discover Spical, an effective solution against various species of spider mites, ensuring healthy crops and bountiful harvests.
Spical Ulti-Mite: Amblyseius californicus - Natural Enemies
Amblyseius californicus is a Type II generalist predatory mite that primarily attacks spider mites, but will also feed on many other leaf inhabiting mites (even some microscopic species like …
Spical – CropKing
SPICAL ( use in conjunction with SPIDEX ) Neoseiulus califronicus: Target: two spotted spider mite, carmine spider mite and fruit tree red spider mite : all stages, preferring younger stages. …
Spical-Plus | Spider Mite Control | Predatory Mites (Neoseiulus ...
Use Spical-Plus for biological pest control of spider mite species. The predatory mites multiply in the sachet and disperse into the crop.
Spical Plus - Amblyseius californicus | Natural Enemies Organic ...
Amblyseius californicus is a generalist predatory mite that primarily attacks spider mites, but will also feed on many other leaf inhabiting mites (even some microscopic species like broad …