Tracheae in Spiders: Respiratory Organs for Special Functions
2012年1月1日 · Tracheae give the spiders the chance to breathe and act more flexible to their environmental constraints as they can do it with lungs alone. In this chapter the tracheal system in spiders is described morphologically and potential reasons to develop such a respiratory system, most often in combination with lungs, are given.
Respiration in spiders (Araneae) | Journal of Comparative
2016年1月28日 · Spiders (Araneae) are unique regarding their respiratory system: they are the only animal group that breathe simultaneously with lungs and tracheae. Looking at the physiology of respiration the existence of tracheae plays an important role in spiders with a well-developed tracheal system.
How Do Spiders Breathe? - Sciencing
2021年9月30日 · Trachea are breathing structures that spiders and insects have in common. A network of narrow tubes lined with a hard substance called chitin, trachea extend the passage of air from book lungs in some spiders, and open directly to the surface through tiny holes called spiracles in others.
Take a deep breath… The evolution of the respiratory system of ...
2021年11月10日 · The basic tracheal arrangement in most araneomorph (“true”) spiders consists mostly of a single tracheal spiracle located near the spinnerets, and includes a short, flat atrium, and two pairs of tracheae (lateral and median). The tracheae are mostly contained but distributed freely within the opisthosoma.
Spider tracheal systems - ScienceDirect
1987年1月1日 · Techniques developed primarily for use with insects were used to visualize spider tracheae. The tracheae were investigated in whole spiders and with serial sections. A macerating agent is described which dissolves the soft-tissues of the spiders without harming the tracheae, or decolourizing the injected dye. 2.
Respiration in spiders (Araneae) - PubMed
Spiders (Araneae) are unique regarding their respiratory system: they are the only animal group that breathe simultaneously with lungs and tracheae. Looking at the physiology of respiration the existence of tracheae plays an important role in spiders with a well-developed tracheal system.
Respiratory system of arachnids I: morphology of the respiratory …
2000年1月1日 · Like most neocribellate spiders, jumping spiders possess a double respiratory system consisting of book-lungs and tube tracheae. In insects, tracheae are more effective in the transport of respiratory gases to and from organs and muscles with high local need of oxygen than is the hemolymph in an open circulatory system ( Wigglesworth, 1965 ).
Spider tracheal systems. - Semantic Scholar
In this chapter the tracheal system in spiders is described morphologically and potential reasons to develop such a respiratory system, most often in combination with lungs, are given.
Spider tracheal systems - PubMed
Techniques developed primarily for use with insects were used to visualize spider tracheae. The tracheae were investigated in whole spiders and with serial sections. A macerating agent is described which dissolves the soft-tissues of the spiders without harming the tracheae, or decolourizing the injected dye. 2.
Tracheae in Spiders: Respiratory Organs for Special Functions
Tracheae give the spiders the chance to breathe and act more flexible to their environmental constraints as they can do it with lungs alone. In this chapter the tracheal system in spiders is described morphologically and potential reasons to develop such a respiratory system, most often in combination with lungs, are given.