Dräger Narkosespiromat 650 Anästhesiegerät anaesthetic ... - YouTube
2010年8月30日 · Drägerwerk launched the Spiromat 650 anaesthetic machine in 1966. This sizeable machine (enormous by today's standards) met all the technical requirements of ventilation practice at the time.
[Blood gas studies on the efficiency of narkosepiromat 650
Using the Spiromat 650 (Drger) as respirator to normovolemic ventialtion is recommanded for clinical use. Efficiency of ventilation of Spiromat 650 (Dräger) has been examined in 54 patients under general anaesthesia and relaxation during normoventilation and hyperventilation of …
Automatic Ventilation in Minimal Flow Anaesthesia
A number of ventilators including Pulmomat 19.1, Spiromat 650, Ventilog, and AV-1 were studied with respect to their use in minimal flow anaesthesia. It was shown that using fresh gas flows of 300 ml O 2 and 200 ml N 2 O per minute the new ventilators can …
to +8 kPa a Spiromat 650 ventilator (Dragerwerke AG, Lubeck/BRD) was connected to a lung simulator (Ohmeda, USA) by a Y connector. A resistance of 26.6 kPa.l-l.min and a compliance of 1 ml.kPa-l were chosen on the lung simulator. At these settings, and with a fresh gas flow of 10 l.min-', the ventilator delivered a minute volume of
Bacterial contamination and the effect of filters in anaesthetic ...
In order to investigate bacterial contamination of anaesthetic breathing circuits and means of prevention of this, six different laboratory experiments were performed. These experiments involved the bacterial contamination of Dräger Narkose Spiromat 650 and Dräger AV-1 circle system circuits and of …
A fan from an old Drager Spiromat 650 ventilator was used as a flow generator and the gas flow was controlled using an adjustable valve and determined with a
The efficiency of various humidifiers for respired gas
1980年9月1日 · The humidity measurements in this device were made in combination with a ventilation head for adults and a Narkose-Spiromat 650 (Draegerwerk AG, Luebeck, FRG). This humidifier showed a strict dependence on the respiration parameters.
[Experimental study on a new respirator, Narkose-Spiromat 650]
[Experimental study on a new respirator, Narkose-Spiromat 650] [Experimental study on a new respirator, Narkose-Spiromat 650] Masui. 1969 Dec;18(13):1451-7. [Article in Japanese] Authors K Amaha, T Sawa, E Ikezono. PMID: 5262439 No …
Blood gas studies on the efficiency of narkosepiromat 650 (dräger)
Efficiency of ventilation of Spiromat 650 (Dräger) has been examined in 54 patients under general anaesthesia and relaxation during normoventilation and hyperventilation of 15 and 30% degree. Changes in the acid-base status of arterial blood were used as criteria.
These experiments involved the bacterial contamination of Drgger Narkose Spiromat 650 and DrSiger AV-1 circle system circuits and of an isolated so alime carbon dioxide absorber. The effects of anaesthetic gas, gas flow rate and the incorporation of a hydropho-