Splat Dualies - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
2025年3月13日 · The Splat Dualies are a main weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. When fired, the Splat Dualies spray ink from two weapons, one in each of the player's hands. Two reticles are displayed as a result, and each reticle acts independently, so obstruction of one dualie does not inhibit the shots of the other.
Competitive:Splat Dualies - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
2024年8月6日 · The Splat Dualies, along with the Hero Dualie Replicas, are a player's introduction to the dualie class of weapons in Splatoon 2. Similarly to the Splattershot, the Splat Dualies are a slayer, primarily designed to splat opponents. However, the Splat Dualies offer a handful of differing traits to distinguish it from a typical Splattershot.
Splat Dualies - Splatoon Wiki | Fandom
The Splat Dualies is a Main Shooter weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. These dual-wielding pistols deliver one stream of ink from each gun. It was first introduced in the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire. The main is the Splat Dualies, a pair of dualie …
42 SPLATS with Splat Dualies!!! - YouTube
Splat Dualies are back!!!_____Follow me on Twitter!https://twitter.com/General_STORM1#S...
The ULTIMATE Splat Dualies Splat Compilation | Splatoon 2
2022年6月13日 · I used all three main varieties of Splat Dualies and played on all...
A guide on using the Splat Dualies effectively : r/splatoon - Reddit
2017年7月25日 · The dualies can cover turf pretty decently despite it's short range, so they can usually get to the battle first, or at least be one of the first. This allows you to get deep into the enemy territory very early on and potentially getting some sneaky splats if …
Competitive:Enperry Splat Dualies - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
2024年11月30日 · The Enperry Splat Dualies are a classic slayer weapon more focused on mobility than splatting power than its cousin, the Tentatek Splattershot. Compared to the Tentatek Splattershot, the Enperry Splat Dualies are a four-shot splat compared to the Tentatek's three.
Splat Dualies - Splatoon 2 Guide - IGN
2017年1月30日 · Splat Dualies grant extra agility to the wielder, allowing you to.
Thoughts on Hero Shot Replica : r/splatoon - Reddit
2022年4月16日 · 51 votes, 66 comments. my cousin only uses the Hero shot, and doesn’t go for turf inked but exclusively splats. Then proceeds to say how good he is…
splat net_Ruby的* Splat和double ** Splat运算符简介 - CSDN博客
2020年7月19日 · 本文介绍了Ruby编程语言中的单* Splat和双** Splat运算符。 它们允许在不确定参数数量时定义方法,将数组拆分为多个参数,或将哈希转换为数组。 文章通过示例展示了这两种运算符的基本用法和一些实用技巧。 splat net. by Declan Meehan. 由Declan Meehan. Have you ever wanted to define a method without knowing how many arguments it will take? Do you spend long restless nights wishing there was an easy way to separate a list into a hash?