Monitoring regulated protein-protein interactions using split TEV
2006年10月29日 · To monitor constitutive and regulated protein interactions within living mammalian cells, we have developed a biological assay termed split TEV. We engineered inactive fragments of the NIa...
Split TEV - Wikipedia
The split TEV technique [1] is a molecular method to monitor protein-protein interactions in living cells. It is based on the functional reconstitution of two previously inactive fragments derived from the NIa protease of the tobacco etch virus (TEV protease).
Comprehensive split TEV based protein-protein interaction …
2024年1月1日 · In the split TEV interaction screen, we demonstrated that TAOK2 interacted with core kinase cassette components STK3, STK4, LATS1, LAT2, and MOB1A, implicating a key role for TAOK2 in modulating Hippo pathway activity (Figs. 1 C and 2 A). In addition, we used the split TEV interaction screen to investigate whether TAOK1 and TAOK3 also ...
使用拆分的TEV监测调节的蛋白-蛋白相互作用,Nature Methods - X …
tev蛋白酶片段的功能重建可以使用“仅蛋白水解”的报道分子进行监测,该报道分子可以是以前沉默的荧光和发光报道蛋白。 此外,可以通过蛋白水解切割的非活性转录因子与所选的任何下游报告基因结合,以产生“转录偶联”报告系统。
A modification of the split-tobacco etch virus method for …
2012年4月1日 · Recently, a protein complementation method named split-TEV (tobacco etch virus) has been developed and is based on the functional reconstitution of TEV protease and subsequent proteolytic-mediated activation of reporters.
Split-Tobacco Etch Virus (Split-TEV) Method in G Protein-Coupled ...
2021年6月5日 · Split-TEV assay enables the identification of protein–protein interaction in mammalian cells. This method is based on the split of tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease in two fragments, where each fragment is fused to the candidate proteins predicted to interact....
Monitoring regulated protein-protein interactions using split TEV
To monitor constitutive and regulated protein interactions within living mammalian cells, we have developed a biological assay termed split TEV. We engineered inactive fragments of the NIa protease from the tobacco etch virus (TEV protease) that regain activity only when coexpressed as fusion constructs with interacting proteins.
Split-Protein Systems: Beyond Binary Protein-Protein Interactions
This study describes a FKBP/FRB dependent split-TEV protease that allows for small molecule dependent activation of engineered caspases in living cells. Importantly, this approach led to the discovery of a surprising synergy between caspase activation and proteasome inhibition.
一种split-TEV-Fast系统的构建方法及其在检测蛋白相互作用中的应 …
tevprotease(tobaccoetchvirusprotease)是来源于烟草蚀纹病毒(tev)的一种半胱氨酸蛋白酶,基于tev蛋白酶的强底物特异性以及高活性,新近建立起一种可用于研究蛋白间相互作用的split-tev蛋白酶系统,引用于:[wehrmc,laager,bolzu,fischertm,grunewalds,scheeks,etal.monitoringregulatedprotein ...
Comprehensive split TEV based protein-protein interaction …
2024年1月1日 · Here, we employed a split TEV-based protein-protein interaction screen to assess the physical interactions among 28 key Hippo pathway components and potential upstream modulators. This screen led us to the discovery of TAOK2 as pivotal modulator of Hippo signalling, as it binds to the pathway's core kinases, STK3/4 and LATS1/2, and leads to ...