不会吧不会有人分不清RWS和封闭式炮塔吧? - 百度贴吧
遥控武器站Remote Weapon System是装在车体外的,人坐在车里遥控武器,封闭式炮塔里面是有人的,而且很多弱一些的载具的封闭炮塔没有稳定仪。 游戏里区分这两个的最直接方法就是看“炮塔”挨打掉血的时候车体会不会跟着掉血,如果车体跟着掉血就是真炮塔,车体不跟着掉血就是RWS。 Cafard. 一直有ZCCRWS来抢BRDM的…… .iScream. 然后他们来了个“tigr不是侦察车是什么? 不会吧不会有人分不清..遥控武器站Remote Weapon System是装在车体外的,人坐在车 …
FV432 - Official Squad Wiki
As of update B20, there is now another FV432 variant: the FV432 RWS. The RWS variant is equipped with a remotely operated L7A2 general purpose machine gun, the exact same one used on the FV4034 main battle tank. This variant sacrifices the firepower of the L111A1 .50 caliber machine gun for the safe operation of the L7A2 RWS.
[萌新入坑教学]Squad·战术小队·名词解释·黑话大全 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月31日 · 手摇——手动控制机枪,需要人探头出来控制的类型 电摇/RWS——电动控制机枪,有垂稳,有弹药量显示等功能. 补给卡——可以装载建材或弹药的卡车. 运兵卡——可以装载300弹药的卡车,不可以转载建材. ZCC—— “侦察车” 一般为穿插或侦察小队,载具为各阵营轻型车辆. BLDL——“布莱德里”履带式步战车. 30/30P—— 一般特指俄军的BTR-82轮式步战车,因拥有30㎜火炮而得名. LAV—— 指LAV6,LAV25等系列的轮式步战车. SCK——史崔克,美军装甲 …
Tigr-M Kord - Official Squad Wiki
The Tigr-M Kord is a light attack vehicle in Squad, introduced in the B21 update for the Russian Ground Forces. The GAZ Tigr is a 4×4 multi-role, all-terrain light armoured vehicle manufactured by Military Industrial Company (BMK), a part of GAZ Group. The vehicle is primarily operated by...
战术小队中的暗语及含义 - 百度贴吧
2024年11月5日 · rws本身就是是遥控武器站的意思,坦克上也有rws,建rws队开坦克也是很合理的。 TAPV全稱Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle也就是戰術裝甲巡邏車輛,而M1117也是同一個科技樹上的產物。 這兩台東西都是電動搖控武器的。 就國服普遍認知來講四輪非步戰車,卡車或裝甲運輸車的車子都是ZCC,而帶搖控武器的就是ZCCRWS。 以這理論來說TAPV,M1117都系屬國服ZCCRWS的行列。 室外懶狗載具沒有其他分支就不會列武裝的名子 (M2 CROWS之類的), …
Squad - v8.2 Release Notes
Welcome, Squaddies, to the 8.2 Patch notes! Today we are going to show off a lot of balancing changes to multiple Factions, some new weapons coming in the patch, as well as the long-awaited feature, the Friends List! New Weapons. USMC M39 EMR. Replaces the M38 rifle for USMC marksman: WPMC AUG rifle.
【永久更新】战术小队萌新入门指南合集篇 - xiaoheihe.cn
战术小队(英文名称SQUAD),别称丝瓜。是一款通过战术交流与配合来描绘真实战场体验的50vs50在线多人第一人称射击类游戏,同时强调小队维系机制、大规模协同、战术与规划等等特色。 入坑配置
What are some squad terms with their corresponding definitions?
RWS - Remote Weapon Station. Also know as CROWS, Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station, the US name for their RWS system. a remotely operated machine gun, typically found on MRAPs and MBTs. AP/Sabot - Armour Piercing ammunition. Used for max damage to vehicles. HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank ammunition.
[SQUAD]塔利尔TIGER RWS杀70死0 - 哔哩哔哩
,squad 4月2日凌晨4.22分 萌新部落3服塔利尔俄军tiger rws游戏视频,[squad]塔利尔tiger rws杀74死1,[战术小队squad]浴血奋战巴士拉!57杀,[squad战术小队]激情巴士拉56杀捞捞捞!,[squad战术小队]tiger侦察车日常50+杀,换个地图捞捞捞!