SR 74, 75 & TR-3B Blk Craft - Edgar Fouche - AboveTopSecret.com
2007年3月10日 · The SR-74 and the TR-3B can deliver spares replacement units or SRUs, service fuels, fluids, and chemicals to the SON-SIV. Then, the robotic SON-SIV uses these …
SR-72 Darkbird, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2005年8月19日 · The SR-75 is over twice as fast as the SR-71, it can be anywhere in the world in 3 hours. the 75 and 74 were both created by skunkworks. The SR-75 became operational …
TR-3B nuclear powered flying triangle - AboveTopSecret.com
2003年1月30日 · The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's first operational flight was in the early 90s. Technology assuredly developed from reverse engineering of recovered alien artifacts and …
"Black" Aircaft List, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2005年8月20日 · The reason one of its names it "Mothership" is because it can carry an unmanned aircraft on its back, much like the SR-71 had the D-21. Its called the SR-74 Scramp …
American 'Ultra Black' Reversed Engineered Projects
American 'Ultra Black' Reversed Engineered Projects, page 4
The SR-75 and other new airplanes - AboveTopSecret.com
2004年5月17日 · SR was a mistake that just happened to stick (probably because somebody important made it). It was originally RS (Recon/Strike) 71. It makes more sence to have Strike …
This is the amazing Lockheed Martin SR-72—the space Blackbird
2013年11月25日 · The SR-72 proposal has two entirely different engines, fed by the same inlet. The Skylon has one engine which can be either air-breathing or a rocket for propulsion from …
New Coca-Cola Commercial and Rock Sellouts
2005年7月23日 · Find me one person who didn't pick up the guitar in jr/sr high for money and fame. Now to a jr/sr high kid the money and fame isn't the world tour to 50,000+ person …
Never Told Tales of Blackbirds, U2s and Roadrunners, the Golden …
2010年10月26日 · The aircraft will include the U2, the YF12, A12, CL400 and the SR-71. The Lockheed Blackbird, SR-71, still holds all seventeen world speed and altitude records even …
SR71 waits for Concorde, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2013年10月23日 · Also the SR-71 has an 85,000ft ceiling vs. 60,000ft on the Concorde, the question is if the SR-71 really needed for Cuba all its 85K ft. So the scenario with the proximity …