Dependence of the structure and electronic state of SrFeOx (2.5 …
1988年3月1日 · The single-phase material nearest to the ideal composition that was obtained ex- perimentally was SrFe02.86; it had a tetrag- onal unit cell with lattice constants a^s = 1.0934 nm and c = 0.7705 nm. The extinc- tion rule was h + k + l = 2n, indicating a body-centered structure.
Preparation and properties of the SrTi1−xFexO3−x2/Ox2 system
At small +4 concentrations of Fe the positive carriers are trapped by lattice polarization at low temperatures and the activation ener- gy (Ea) is given by the sum Ea = E1 + E2, where E1 is the energy to free a carrier from its trap and E2 is the energy associated with the activated mobility.
Phase relation in the oxygen nonstoichiometric system, SrFeOx …
1986年7月1日 · The vacancy ordered phase of SrFeOz.g,,, SrFe02.73, and SrFe02.5o show first-order transitions to their cubic, disordered structures at 250, 320, and 830, correspondingly. Formation of the cubic, disordered structure above a temperature depending on the composition is suggested for the whole composition range.
We use neutron scattering to study the spin and lattice structure of single-crystal SrFe2As2, the parent compound of the FeAs-based superconductor Sr,K Fe2As2. We find that SrFe2As2 exhibits an...
Spin and lattice structures of single-crystalline SrFe_ {2} As_ {2}
2008年7月7日 · We use neutron scattering to study the spin and lattice structure of single-crystal SrFe2As2, the parent compound of the FeAs-based superconductor (Sr,K)Fe2As2. We find that SrFe2As2 exhibits an...
The temperature dependence of the lattice constants and of the volume for SrFe02,s are shown in Fig. 3. The lattice parameter tends to become longer with increasing temperature and coalesces into the
Dependence of the structure and electronic state of SrFeOx (2.5 ≤ …
We report a first-principles study of SrFeO2, an infinite-layer oxide with Fe atoms in a perfect square-planar coordination down to essentially 0 K. Our results reveal this striking behavior relies on the double occupation of the 3d z 2 orbitals of high-spin Fe 2+ .
SrFeO3-δ与SrFeO2及其掺杂体系的晶体结构和磁性的研究 - 道客巴巴
2016年4月11日 · 中图分类号旦三垒;Q垒昼:5垒UDC530学校代码!Q533密级公珏r硕士学位论文7占7SrFe03.6与SrFe0及其掺杂体系的晶体结构和磁性的 ...
晶体结构中的基本概念-1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
晶格 (Lattice (Crystal lattice)): 晶体结构的几何图形。 等效定义1: 晶格是向量的无限集合,其中集合中的任意两个向量相加得到集合中的第三个向量。 等效定义2: 格子是一组点,其中任何给定点的环境等于任何其他给定点的环境。 图2.晶体被定义为在每个晶格位置上添加了基元的晶格。 通常,基元由一个原子、一组原子或一个分子组成。 布拉菲晶格 (Barvais Lattice):格子中的所有点都是相同的。 或者说格子中所有点的周围环境是一样的。 Barvais格子是基元排列的几何模式 …
periodic lattice, causing metallic conductivity in SrFe03 and charge disproportionation in CaFe03. I. INTRODUCTION Stimulated by the recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides and by a reinterpre-tation of photoemission spectroscopy data, interest has been revived in the condensed-rnatter physics community