What SRID should I use for my application and how?
2011年1月17日 · The SRID or EPSG can be different for the country/state/... altough there are some very common ones especially the 2 mentioned by you. If you need specific info what …
sql - What is SRID 0 for geometry columns? - Stack Overflow
A SRID of 0 doesn't technically exist, it just means no SRID -- ie, the default if you forget to set it. So, technically, you can still perform distance, intersection and all other queries, so long as …
POSTGIS: ERROR: Operation on mixed SRID geometries. Trying to …
2013年11月27日 · select distinct(ST_SRID(geom)) as srid, count(*) from tableA group by srid; I get the following. srid | count 3566 | 2196 | 18 My attempts at changing the last 18 to 3577 are …
How do I change the SRID's for Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY
2013年2月5日 · I've updated USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA easily enough, but the SDO_GEOMETRY containing the data itself has the SRID too and I don't know how to change …
Oracle Spatial. Get the Projected coordinates [local SRID] and ...
2018年3月12日 · The LONG and LAT Geographic coordinates should be in SRID 4326 [WGS 84] Funtion transform_long_lat_pt create or replace function transform_long_lat_pt(longitude in …
geoserver - Change srid in mysql - Stack Overflow
2010年8月12日 · Is it possible to change the srid of a column of geometry type? I just want to create a view of geometry type data from the raw latlon data and use it in the geoserver. …
sql - Using geometry with srid 4326, what unit of measure does ...
Ya, i'm starting to feel like I've been led astray on this anyway... i had read a post where a guy had opted to use geometry instead of geography for a performance gain due to the bounding box …
wkt - NetTopologySuite WKTReader ignores SRID - Stack Overflow
2023年5月16日 · And to get them back out, I use the WKTReader. All with the SRID of 4326. I convert them back and forth between their stringified version and shape type. Often times …
Convert from SRID 31287 to 4326 - Stack Overflow
Changing an internal representation is possible in every database: MySQL will get a mutator for it in version 8, ST_SRID, PostGIS has ST_SetSRID; You need to actually convert from SRID …
leaflet - What is the correct SRID? - Stack Overflow
2019年8月2日 · What is the correct SRID for that map? I tried 4326 SRID. Unfortunately when the geometry viewer from PostGIS and the map from leaflet.js render a point, the point shows …