Kh-35 - Wikipedia
The missile can be launched from helicopters, surface ships and coastal defence batteries with the help of a rocket booster, in which case it is known as Uran ('Uranus', NATO reporting name SS-N-25 'Switchblade', GRAU 3M24) or Bal ( NATO reporting name SSC-6 'Sennight', GRAU 3K60). It is designed to attack vessels up to 5,000 tonnes.
Russia’s Bal system to hit targets at over 500 km with new missile
2021年11月2日 · The firing range of Russia’s Bal (NATO reporting name: SSC-6 Sennight) coastal mobile missile system has doubled after the trials of its new missile that is capable of hitting both warships and ground targets, a source in the defense industry told TASS.
Zvezda Kh-35 [ SS-N-25 Switchblade] - GlobalSecurity.org
The SS-C-6 is designated as "Sennight", an archaic word for the space of seven nights and days, also known as a week. The Kh-35E (3M-24E) missiles can be employed in fair and adverse weather...
碧云天生物技术-SSC缓冲液(20X, pH7.0, 无菌)(ST462-100ml)
SSC缓冲液(20X, pH7.0, 无菌)即Saline Sodium Citrate buffer,由3M NaCl以及0.3M 柠檬酸钠组成,是分子生物学中常用的核酸杂交(Southern-blot, Northern-blot)处理溶液。 旨在用于各种杂交实验达到变性和清洗的目的。
3K60 Bal – Wikipedia
3K60 Bal nach dem GRAU-Index 3К60, NATO-Codename: SSC-6 „Sennight“, ist ein in Russland hergestelltes Raketensystem der Marine-Küstenartillerie mit dem Seezielflugkörper SS-N-25 Switchblade, nach dem GRAU-Index 3M24. Entwickelt wurde es im Konstruktionsbüro der Maschinenbaufabrik AO „Конструкторское бюро ...
R-27 (ballistic missile) - Wikipedia
The R-27 (Russian: Р-27) was a submarine-launched ballistic missile developed by the Soviet Union and employed by the Soviet Navy from 1968 through 1988. NATO assigned the missile the reporting name SS-N-6 Serb. In the USSR, it was given the GRAU index 4K10.
Kh-35 (ミサイル) - Wikipedia
1990年代後半、米ボーイング社は、第1世代では対艦モードのみだったハープーンに対地攻撃モードを持たせるため、次世代モデル「ブロックII」のレーダーシーカー(目標捜索装置)に、GPS補強型慣性航法装置を追加した。 ハープーンを意識して開発されたKh-35にも、対地攻撃モードがあり、対地攻撃に用いることも可能である。 2019年7月、サンクトペテルブルクで開催された国際兵器展示会において、3K60 バル‐Eの輸出モデルであるルベージュ-MEが公開され …
Russia’s coastal defence systems - Global Defence Technology
2022年4月13日 · The K-300P Bastion-P (SSC-5 “Stooge”) and the 3K60 Bal (SSC-6 “Sennight”) are the primary coastal defence missile systems used by the Russian naval forces. They are designed to provide stand-off precision strike capabilities against surface vessels and raise the potential costs of a naval power attempting to get within striking range of ...
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可以发现,DPort-ECT_SSC_Config.xml 中的内容对应着SSC中的配置项,当新建工程时,SSC的配置项会按照所选的工程模板中的键值进行设置。 1 DPort-ECT_SSC_Config.xml 文件必须与EtherCAT-Slave-Adapter驱动组件配套使用。 1. 打开SSC 软件,点击Tool -> Option -> Configurations,出现如下界面: 2. 点击符号+ ,选择例程下的模板文件,以EPC103-DP 中8io 为例,导入DPort-ECT_SSC_Config.xml文件。 3. 新建工程查看是否存在添加的模板,File->New 。