Super Saiyan God | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Super Saiyan God (超 スーパー サイヤ 人 じん ゴッド Sūpā Saiya-jin Goddo) is a Saiyan transformation that grants the user godly ki, providing them with a power boost beyond Super Saiyan 3 and its predecessors. It is initially obtained through a ritual involving six righteous Saiyans or special divine training.
What is the Super Saiyan God Multiplier, What are the UI, MUI ... - Reddit
2022年7月24日 · SSB is 50 times stronger than SSG since goku says that it is basically Super Saiyan stacked on top of SSG. Thus the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan multiplier is 16,000,000. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken Times Ten & Twenty: The SSBKKx10 multiplier is just SSB times ten and the SSBKKx20 is just 2 times that.
how much of a power multiplier is each transformation?
All correct, and for the one missing - SSJG can be inferred to be at least 100x (lowball) based on statements about being stronger than Vegito.
Is MUI, UI+SSJG? - FanVerse
2024年3月22日 · The similarity between MUI and SSJG is clearly there. Normally UI doesn't seem to change the user with any kind of transformation with the GoD's and Angels. But with Goku he transforms like he does in MUI. It feels like UI-Sign/True is Goku purely using just UI, while MUI is him using it in conjunction with SSJG. Thoughts?
Dragon Ball Super 72: Goku Combines UI and Super Saiyan God - Epic Dope
2021年5月25日 · In spite of combining Ultra Instinct and Super Saiyan God, Granolah manages to hit Goku’s vital point once again. All thanks to his incredibly evolved eye that lets him see the energy flow and detect the weak points with precision.
An Analysis of the Super Saiyan Transformations (Updated & Revised)
2018年5月31日 · ultra instinct: sign (ui-s) Although not a Super Saiyan transformation, or really a transformation at all, its’ similarities and ultimate superiority requires it to be added to this list. Ultra Instinct (Sign) became available to Son Goku after he nearly lost his life to Jiren the Grey during the Tournament of Power, and was sucked into a ...
Do you think Goku can combine UI with SSJ? | Fandom
2021年6月12日 · What king kai said is true, only the instinctive reaction part can be stacked on top of transformations, but it's not as accurate and as insane as in UI itself, which is also the strongest power boost Goku has.
Your version of multiplier for all nine saiyan transformation
2018年6月16日 · UI/MUI - shouldn't be a power boost. Pseudo super saiyan : more powerful than a 100 x kaioken though the multiplier beyond that is unknown. Super saiyan : 50 x, it consumes ki and drains the...
Dragon Ball Super Power Levels (+Movies) - FanVerse
2024年2月4日 · UI SSJG: 500 (Sextillion) SSJB: 3.82 (Septillion) MUI: 16.65 God Level True UI: 44.7 God Level UI Avatar-State: 66 God Level Vegeta: 316 (Quadrillion) SSJ: 15.8 (Quintillion) SSJBE: 88.52 (Octillion) UE: 20 God Level Vs Granolah: 22 God Level+ Vs Gas: 35 God Level+ Full Power: 49.3 God Level
Goku Ssj God UI (DBS manga 72) by IsaacDGC on DeviantArt
2021年5月21日 · IsaacDGC on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/isaacdgc/art/Broly-Legendary-Evil-Saiyan-883705279 IsaacDGC