Systems on Silicon Manufacturing - Wikipedia
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd. (more commonly known as SSMC) is a Singaporean semiconductor fabrication company located in Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park. It was incorporated in 1999 and is a joint venture between NXP Semiconductors (until …
Manufacturing began in 2000 and to date, SSMC has grown into a sought after provider of provider wafer fabrication and foundry services. SSMC is offering flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions through the utilization of leading CMOS, Embedded Flash, Analog and High Performance Mixed Signal, RF, BCD and Sensor processes ...
Founded locally on Dec 1998. Together We Raise Value. Trust & Confidence in our people. Catch our recent Happenings and connect with us! Making the world. more connected, integrated, …
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
2020年度全球前十大晶圆代工厂排名 - 雪球
2021年4月6日 · 中芯国际 (SMIC)自9月14日后已不再向华为旗下芯片设计公司海思(Hisilicon)供货,其他客户在14nm进行试产时,中芯会有二至三季产能空窗期,且美国将其列入出口管制清单后,除了设备面临限制,部分国外客户也恐将抽单,预估第四季营收将受影响,季减约11%,然因2019年基期低,该季营收年成长仍有15%。 6、高塔半导体 (Tower Jazz) 由于市场对RF与Power IC的需求稳定,预估第四季高塔半导体(TowerJazz)营收年成长可达11%。 7、 …
台積公司全球佈局新據點SSMC公司耗資十二億美元的新加坡半導 …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC)今 (11)日宣佈正式啟用其耗資十二億美元建置的晶圓廠,新加坡貿工部部長楊榮文 (George Yeo)並蒞臨主持典禮。 SSMC公司係由台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、飛利浦半導體股份有限公司 (Philips Semiconductors)及新加坡經濟開發投資局 (EDBI ; Economic Development Board Investments)共同投資於新加坡設立。 SSMC晶圓廠甫於十七個月前動土,但目前已完成第一筆訂單交易,此舉在半導體產業創下新記錄。 此 …
SSMC Yields First Silicon at Singapore Fab
Singapore, September 26, 2000 -- Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC), the joint venture between Philips Semiconductors, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and EDBI today announced that its wafer production facility in Singapore has achieved its first yielding silicon, 90 days after installing the first process ...
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd | MOE
SSMC offers flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions through the utilization of leading CMOS, Embedded Flash, Analog and High Performance Mixed Signal, RF, BCD and Sensor processes technologies, in the 0.25 to 0.11 micron technology.
Singapore’s SSMC fab running wafers 90 days after tool installation
2000年9月27日 · SINGAPORE — Just 90 days after the first chip-processing tools were installed, the silicon wafers have begun running through a new joint-venture fab set up here by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) and Philips Semiconductors.