Founded locally on Dec 1998. Together We Raise Value. Trust & Confidence in our people. Catch our recent Happenings and connect with us! Making the world. more connected, integrated, …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing - Wikipedia
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd. (more commonly known as SSMC) is a Singaporean semiconductor fabrication company located in Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park. It was incorporated in 1999 and is a joint venture between NXP Semiconductors (until 2006 Philips) and TSMC. Founded by Philips and EDB Investments, the plant was completed in 2000.
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
Manufacturing began in 2000 and to date, SSMC has grown into a sought after provider of provider wafer fabrication and foundry services. SSMC is offering flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions through the utilization of leading CMOS, Embedded Flash, Analog and High Performance Mixed Signal, RF, BCD and Sensor processes ...
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
2006年10月11日 · NXP半导体日前宣布在完成从皇家飞利浦独立程序后的三个月内将购买SSMC (System on Silicon Manufacturing Co. Pte. Ltd.)的部分股份,该股份目前由新加坡经济发展投资私人有限公司 (EDB Investments Pte. Ltd.) 所持有。SSMC位于新加坡, 是由飞利浦、台积电及新加坡 …
台積公司全球佈局新據點SSMC公司耗資十二億美元的新加坡半導 …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC)今 (11)日宣佈正式啟用其耗資十二億美元建置的晶圓廠,新加坡貿工部部長楊榮文 (George Yeo)並蒞臨主持典禮。 SSMC公司係由台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、飛利浦半導體股份有限公司 (Philips Semiconductors)及新加坡經濟開發投資局 (EDBI ; Economic Development Board Investments)共同投資於新加坡設立。 SSMC晶圓廠甫於十七個月前動土,但目前已完成第一筆訂單交易,此舉在半導體產業創下新記錄。 此 …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd | MOE
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC) is an 8 inch wafer fabrication facility founded in 1998. It is a joint venture of NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NXP), the world’s leading semiconductor supplier in the communications and automotive markets; and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world’s number one pure play foundry.
新加坡半導體業者-晶圓系統公司 (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company, SSMC…
SSMC為台積電與恩智浦半導體 (NXP)合資設立之子公司,據相關資料指出,恩智浦持股約6成,而台積電持股約4成。 SSMC斥資3億星元設立Annex 10,以進一步擴大在新加坡業務。
SSMC公司成功試產首批晶圓 - 台灣積體電路製造 ...
SSMC公司執行長 (CEO) Peter Yates表示,SSMC建廠後在極短的時間內即試產出首批晶圓,一方面可加速提供台積公司和飛利浦半導體公司新增的產能,同時可支援最先進的Systems-on-Silicon技術,以滿足客戶及全球半導體市場的強勁需求。