Systems on Silicon Manufacturing - Wikipedia
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd. (more commonly known as SSMC) is a Singaporean semiconductor fabrication company located in Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park.
Founded locally on Dec 1998. Together We Raise Value. Trust & Confidence in our people. Catch our recent Happenings and connect with us! Making the world. more connected, integrated, …
SSMC is offering flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions through the utilization of leading CMOS, Embedded Flash, Analog and High Performance Mixed Signal, RF, BCD and Sensor processes technologies, ranging from 0.25-micron to 0.11-micron technology.
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
新加坡半导体公司现状如何? - 知乎
目前,新加坡比较大的半导体制造公司包括:SSMC、UMC、GF等。 SSMC是飞利浦NXP和台湾TSMC台积在新加坡的合资公司,主要是生产8寸200MM晶圆;UMC是台湾联华电子在新加坡的分厂,是全球排名第二的晶圆代工厂;GF是GlobalFoundaries半导体芯片代工厂。
起底新加坡半导体 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1987年,新加坡的Charted Semiconductor(特许半导体)正式成立,其目的是帮助新加坡成为半导体和计算机部件的全球制造中心,此后有一段时间,也确实发展的不错,一度是台积电, 联电 之后全球第三大半导体代工厂。 据了解,特许半导体在新加坡拥有6座晶圆厂,包括2005年落成的300mm晶圆产线,其他都是200mm晶圆产线。 特许半导体的客户包括了AMD、IBM、 英飞凌 、三星和Agere等。 2000年,该公司被 淡马锡控股 全资子公司ST Engineering收购。 也是在这 …
1998年12月4日 · SSMC is a Joint Venture of NXP B.V. (NXP) and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd (TSMC). We are reputed to offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions with its fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes …
台积电回应“在新加坡增设半导体工厂”传闻:不排除任何可能性,但目前没有任何具体计划 - SEMI …
2022年5月20日 · SSMC 公司的金氧半导体逻辑 (CMOS-Logic) 芯片产品可应用于多种领域,包括电信、多媒体、消费性数码电子、网络和资讯科技等。
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd | MOE
SSMC offers flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions through the utilization of leading CMOS, Embedded Flash, Analog and High Performance Mixed Signal, RF, BCD and Sensor processes technologies, in the 0.25 to 0.11 micron technology.
台積公司全球佈局新據點SSMC公司耗資十二億美元的新加坡半導 …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC)今 (11)日宣佈正式啟用其耗資十二億美元建置的晶圓廠,新加坡貿工部部長楊榮文 (George Yeo)並蒞臨主持典禮。 SSMC公司係由台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、飛利浦半導體股份有限公司 (Philips Semiconductors)及新加坡經濟開發投資局 (EDBI ; Economic Development Board Investments)共同投資於新加坡設立。 SSMC晶圓廠甫於十七個月前動土,但目前已完成第一筆訂單交易,此舉在半導體產業創下新記錄。 此 …
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