Abdon and Sennen - Wikipedia
Abdon and Sennen, variously written in early calendars and martyrologies Abdo, Abdus, and Sennes, Sennis, Zennen, are recognized by the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church as Christian martyrs, with a feast day on 30 July. [2]
St. Abdon - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
A Persian nobleman who suffered martyrdom with his companion, St. Sennen. Abdon, also called Abdo or Abdus in some lists, is recorded in the Acta of the saints dating to the ninth century, but he and St. Sennen were venerated as early as the third century. The martyrs were exposed to …
Saint Abdon and Saint Sennen (250) - Catholicism.org
2024年7月30日 · See the courageous faith of Saint Abdon and Saint Sennen, Persian noblemen who were martyred for their Catholic beliefs in Rome.
Sts. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs - Vatican News
2 天之前 · See Vatican News to discover the life-story and message of Sts. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs, the Saint of the Day 30 July
Sts. Abdon and Sennen - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online
Persian martyrs under Decius, about A.D. 250, and commemorated 30 July. The veneration paid them dates from as early as the third century, though their Acts, written for the most part prior to the ninth century, contain several fictitious statements about the cause and occasion of their coming to Rome and the nature of their torments.
Saint Abdon - Catholic Saint | Saint for a Minute: Saints & Blesseds
Saint Abdon, also known as Abdo or Abdus, was a devout Catholic who lived during the 3rd century in Persia. Not much is known about his early life, but history tells us that he played a significant role in aiding and befriending Christians who were being persecuted under the reign of Emperor Diocletian.
Abdon et Sennen — Wikipédia
Les saints Abdon et Sennen, ou encore Abdo, Abdus, et Sennès, Senoux, Sennis, Zennen selon les premiers calendriers et martyrologes, sont deux frères martyrs chrétiens reconnus par l'Église catholique romaine et l'Église orthodoxe.
Saints Abdon and Sennen - traditionalcatholic.net
Abdon and Sennen in Rome can be traced back to the fourth century. The acts state that they gave burial in Persia to SS. Olympias (Olympiades) and Maximus, and these two victims of persecution are mentioned in the Roman Martyrology on April 15.
Saint Abdon - Les Saintes Prières
Saint Abdon est un Saint Evêque que l’on invoque lorsqu’on est menacé de perdre la vue. Saint Abdon ou Abbon naquit vers 650. Sa sainteté et son abnégation en firent un remarquable évêque de Metz. Mon Dieu, ne permettez pas que le sort cruel m’impose la cécité complète.
Saints Abdon et Sennen - Nominis
Abdon et Sennen sont deux saints honorés dans l'église de Drudas, village du diocèse de Toulouse en Haute Garonne. Ils sont aussi honorés à la fête d'Arles-sur-Tech dans les Pyrénées Orientales.