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    St. Therese of Lisieux – 9 Day Novena - Angelus Press

    • A novena to St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower, who spent her time in heaven doing good on earth. The novena consists of nine days of prayers, each with a different intention and a reflection on her li… 展开

    St. Therese Novena – Day 1

    Dearest Saint Therese of Lisieux, you said that you would spend your time in heaven doing good on e… 展开

    Angelus Press
    St. Therese Novena – Day 2

    Dearest Saint Therese of Lisieux, you said that you would spend your time in heaven doing good on earth. Your trust in God was complete. Pray that He may increase my trust in His good… 展开

    Angelus Press
    St. Therese Novena – Day 3

    Dearest Saint Therese of Lisieux, you said that you would spend your time in heaven doing good on earth. Your trust in God was complete. Pray that He may increase my trust in His good… 展开

    Angelus Press
    St. Therese Novena – Day 4

    Dearest Saint Therese of Lisieux, you said that you would spend your time in heaven doing good on earth. Your trust in God was complete. Pray that He may increase my trust in His good… 展开

    Angelus Press