Stax SR-X9000 (new flagship)
SR-X9000 is the new flagship Earspeaker that marks the pinnacle of Stax electrostatic headphones production. A major technology advancement is the “MILER-3” (Multi-Layer-Elect-Rords) - a four-layer fixed electrode combining mesh electrodes and conventional etching electrodes that are crimped by thermal diffusion bonding.
STAX SR-009S — Stax
SR-009S SPECIFICATIONS: Type: Push-Pull Open Back Circular Electrostatic Headphone. Frequency Response: 5 - 42,000Hz. Electrostatic Capacitance: 110pF (including cable) Impedance: 145k Ω (including cable, at 10kHz) Sound Pressure Sensitivity: 101dB / 100V r.m.s. 1 kHz. Maximum Sound Pressure: 118dB / 400Hz. Bias Voltage: 580V DC
還有比它更超值的嗎?-Stax SRS-X1000 靜電耳機系統 - U-Audio
最新推出的圓形振膜靜電耳機 SR-X1,配上驅動器 SRM-270S,就成了當前 Stax 旗下最入門,也最超值的 SRS-X1000 靜電耳機系統。 入門,是很客觀的描述,單看售價就知道了;超值,是我主觀的認定,在我聽過包括旗艦在內的多組 Stax 系統後,再聽 SRS-X1000,反有種喚回初心的悸動。 SR-X1 耳機採用中型的圓形振膜,而且將整組定子連同振膜的靜電耳機機構,直接裝置在耳機機殼內,一方面減輕重量,一方面透過嚴謹的工法讓各部件彼此密合而無縫隙。 通過耳機外 …
Stax SR-X1 開箱和試聽 - 耳机网
2024年5月18日 · 总结来讲, SR-X1是新世代既Stax既声音来, 作为入门, 易推又易食, 要形容既话, 可以说是是细板x9000, 同009/009s完全冇关系的. 这耳机是有西装套的, 但我因为已经有 D10 就没有买套装了. 在试听了一阵子后也很喜欢, 场声正常但声音极宽松, 高频好出色好华丽, 而人声都有好唔错既表现, 就是少了点, 也有质素的. 在边打边听时佩戴也觉得很舒服. 可以就是一款杂食耳机, 当然古典就一绝了, 流行都好好听. 看动画都唔错, 但在看电影里的配乐都比人声就突出. 厉害 …
NEW! STAX SR-X1 — Stax
Introducing the SR-X1, a new entry-level model that recreates the traditional circular ear speaker with modern design concepts. Delivering authentic electrostatic sound to the next generation. The heritage design, which is based on the motif of successive ear speakers, SR-1 and SR-X, incorporates such thoughts.
把玩一个多月后有感略多,长文聊聊STAX SR-X1这只静电耳机
2024年6月9日 · srm-270s是stax专门为sr-x1调音的『西装』耳放,内部的构造由经典的srm-252s强化升级而来,同时更换了全新的纯黑3mm厚面板,这让其外观风格与sr-x1做到了更佳的统一。
SR-X9000 Electrostatic Earspeaker (Flagship Model) - STAX …
SR-X9000 is the new flagship Earspeaker that marks the pinnacle of Stax electrostatic headphones production. A major technology advancement is the “MILER-3” (Multi-Layer-Elect-Rords) - a four-layer fixed electrode combining mesh electrodes and conventional etching electrodes that are crimped by thermal diffusion bondin
SR-X9000 - STAX International
The ideal electrostatic earspeakers. The fixed electrode which reduces air resistance and the effect of reflection. This electrode also has the high sound transparency. This vision was already found in the metal-mesh electrode of SR-X, which was released in 1970. After that, STAX challenged to realize metal-mesh electrodes for SR-Ω in 90’s ...
SR-X1 - STAX International
SR-X1 is a new entry-level model that recreates the traditional circular earspeakers with a modern design concept. Delivering authentic electrostatic sound to the next generation. The heritage design, based on the previous generations of earspeakers, SR-1 and SR-X, reflects this desire.
品鉴录——STAX SR-X1头戴式静电耳机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
sr-x1 是stax致敬早期经典作品sr-1与sr-x而推出的一款静电耳机。 虽是入门级,但与旗舰型号保持一致,sr-x1同样采用了圆形振膜,只是尺寸稍显袖珍。而整体的设计则仍是偏向复古典雅,充斥着属于旧日时光的格调,让我颇为青睐欣赏。