Step Ten “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.” A S we work the fi rst nine Steps, we prepare ourselves for the adventure of a new life. But when we approach Step Ten we commence to put our A.A. way of living to practi-cal use, day by day, in fair weather or foul. Then comes the
10th Step in AA: Step 10 Explained - Alcohol.org
2024年2月2日 · What Is the 10 th Step in AA? The 10th Step in Alcoholics Anonymous involves self-reflection and a commitment to promptly admitting when one is wrong. Step 10 of AA encourages individuals to take a daily inventory of their behavior, admit any promptly wrongdoing, and continue personal and spiritual growth.
About Step 10 of the 12 Step Program
Step 10 begins laying the foundation for the rest of my life. It is a pledge to continually monitor my life with honesty and humility. It requires me to be vigilant against my addictive behavior and against the triggers for my addictive behavior.
AA's 10th Step in the 12-Step Program - Verywell Mind
2023年9月5日 · In step 10, personal inventory refers to emotional disturbances that can trigger a person to return to misusing drugs or alcohol. Watching for these disturbances on a daily basis—and taking a daily inventory—is an important part of recovery.
What is Step 10 of Alcoholic Anonymous? Get AA Help - Sober.com
Step 10 marks a shift in the 12 Steps of AA, moving from dealing with your past behavior into applying what you’ve learned to your everyday life. It requires the awareness and self-discipline to continually assess your mental state and own up to your thoughts, feelings, and actions without judgment or blame.
Breaking Down Step Ten of AA Alcoholics Anonymous
2020年1月3日 · Step Ten of Alcoholics Anonymous suggests that its time we take responsibility for our actions and to promptly clean up our role in all matters. This requires being willing to release selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, or fear at the very moment that they occur.
Step 10 of AA: Continue to Take Inventory & Admit Mistakes - Recovery…
2024年10月17日 · Step 10 of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) focuses on making self-examination a daily practice. Learn more about AA Step 10 and how to complete it.
Step 10 - 12 Steps Together
Writing a 10th step is working Steps 4-9 on a single item. First we go through the entire 10th Step process with our HP. The main purpose of the 12 Steps is to rely on a Power greater than ourselves—in other words, to develop God-dependence. After we give our 10th Step to our Higher Power, we share it with a fellow OA member.
Step 10 of AA | The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous - Project …
2023年1月24日 · What Is AA Step 10? Step 10 of AA promotes consistent self-examination. Taking the time and effort to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions can make people more self-aware. These realizations can, in turn, help them go …
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions - 1.10 Step Ten
Step Ten from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, a collection of Bill W.’s essays on the Steps and the Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Practicing the Tenth Step, alcoholics learn to stay sober and keep in emotional balance under all conditions. This chapter points out the benefits of honesty, self-restraint and accountability to others.