SteriLux is a Swiss MedTech start-up founded in August 2014 with the ambition to have a major impact on the improvement of quality medical care. As a young company, we are committed to …
SteriLux SA n'est pas responsable des dommages accessoires, spéciaux ou consécutifs causés par tout entretien ou service effectué sur le SterOx System V-Series par un tiers, ni de …
Product - SteriLux
SteriLux device has quickly found its place in our sterilization arsenal. The machine is efficient and easy to use. It is the ideal complement to our autoclaves to sterilize all our heat sensitive devices.
Support - SteriLux
SteriLux device has quickly found its place in our sterilization arsenal. The machine is efficient and easy to use. It is the ideal complement to our autoclaves to sterilize all our heat sensitive devices.
About us - SteriLux
SteriLux device has quickly found its place in our sterilization arsenal. The machine is efficient and easy to use. It is the ideal complement to our autoclaves to sterilize all our heat sensitive devices.
Certification médicale obtenue pour les produits de la
2021年1月18日 · SteriLux passe le cap de la certification médicale pour le marché Européen, démontrant ainsi que sa technologie répond aux standards les plus exigeants du domaine de …
SteriLux SA non è responsabile per danni incidentali, speciali o consequenziali causati da interventi di manutenzione o servizi eseguiti sul SterOx System V-Series da terzi, o per l'uso di …
SteriLux SA Chemin du Viaduc 12 1008 Prilly, Switzerland All rights reserved. -07 HUMIDIFYTM Papier Buvard Description du produit Le HUMIDIFYTM Papier Buvard est une bande de …
Technology - SteriLux
2019年12月29日 · SteriLux device has quickly found its place in our sterilization arsenal. The machine is efficient and easy to use. It is the ideal complement to our autoclaves to sterilize all …
News & Calendar - SteriLux
SteriLux closes new financing round. SteriLux, the Swiss medical technology startup that took the step from product development to market entry this year, announces the closing of ... + Read …