Sonic VS Goku Part 1&2 (STH X DB comic) - YouTube
Well, It's finally here, after roughly 5 months of waiting you guys have a fully remastered first part, and a new second part to enjoy! i hope that it was wo...
Perfect Chaos' Defeat (STH x DB Comic) - YouTube
2023年12月2日 · Hey everyone! this is just a short comic of Sonic beating Perfect Chaos, It's referencing when Goku beat Frieza on namek. It's really cool! Artwork is by / kolsanart Go check him out he's really...
阿里自研分布式强一致关系型数据库——X-DB - 简书
今年双 11 X-DB 在核心交易系统、核心物流系统等交易核心链路上 100% 切流,经历了多轮全链路压测和双 11 零点业务 32.5 万笔 / 秒,数据库 SQL 上亿次 / 秒的峰值的性能考验,证明了 X-DB 完全有能力实现强一致和高性能的鱼熊兼得。
STH vs. DB Matchups that I like - DeviantArt
2023年8月22日 · what do you think of Fleetway Super Sonic vs Majin Vegeta?
丝般顺滑!X-DB如何实现Online DDL - 知乎专栏
X-DB是一个原生Shared-Nothing的分布式关系数据库,具备高性能、高可用、强一致、可全球部署、高可扩展特点。 X-DB基于自研存储引擎X-Engine,采用类LSM的分层架构,数据按照时序逻辑分成多层,每一层数据有序,新数据在较高的层次,最老的历史数据在最底层。
X-DB - 墨天轮百科
今年双 11 X-DB 在核心交易系统、核心物流系统等交易核心链路上 100% 切流,经历了多轮全链路压测和双 11 零点业务 32.5 万笔 / 秒,数据库 SQL 上亿次 / 秒的峰值的性能考验,证明了 X-DB 完全有能力实现强一致和高性能的鱼熊兼得。
PHP PDO - $dbh和$sth代表什么?-腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云
2011年6月16日 · $dbh =“数据库句柄” $sth =“语句句柄” 我更喜欢较长的表格,因为它们更具描述性。 即使在使用常用的缩略语和缩写时,如果您是明确的,这通常对将来的维护者很有帮助。 在过去,当硬盘容量、内存和带宽较少时,缩写可能是有意义的。
Sonic X Dragon Ball: Sonic Vs Goku! - DeviantArt
2023年10月17日 · Sonic X Dragon Ball: Sonic Vs Goku! Last Time on Dragon Ball Z, Goku encouraged Sonic to engage in a sparring match in the snowy mountains with him! I reworked …
What the... (Sth X DBZ series) by DC-Dialgia69 on DeviantArt
2016年2月5日 · Next time on the next episode of Chaos Emerald Z... I had way too much fun drawing this. I feel like doing more of these. Also, I cant help but think of Dragon Ball Z Abridge. Nappa: Hey look, Vegeta. We're Sonic fan characters. Vegeta: No Nappa, these are real Sonic Characters... Nappa: Reaaally?...They look stupid. Jk this was way too much fun.
php - PDO's query vs execute - Stack Overflow
query runs a standard SQL statement without parameterized data. execute runs a prepared statement which allows you to bind parameters to avoid the need to escape or quote the parameters. execute will also perform better if you are repeating a query multiple times. Example of prepared statements: WHERE calories < :calories AND colour = :colour');