Strv S1 - World of Tanks - tanks.gg
Strv S1 Tier VIII Premium Swedish Tank Destroyer Sniper. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. Show Loadout. X. VIII. IX. VIII. X. ... Gun elevation (°) 1. Gun depression (°) 1. Gun traverse (°/sec) 5. Gun traverse range (°)-3 / 3. Turret traverse (°/sec) 16.69. Everything Else. Hull armor (mm) 30 …
strv s1入手后个人感受 - 百度贴吧
为了银币,思想斗争很久,在JPZ4-5和strv s1之间进行选择,因个人德线2条TD线都到顶,所以最终选择了strv s1。 入手后玩了几把,发帖说说个人感想: 1.收益还行(有高账)
V系TD线 完美的经验机器!Strv S1详解 - 17173
2017年3月25日 · Strv S1的车体正面、侧面装甲均为30,借助大角度,基本可以免疫88mm炮和90mm炮的AP弹和APCR弹,如果进到8级房还是有一定作用的。 而UDES 03的车体正面、侧面装甲均只有20,除个别“小水管”外都能对其做到三倍口径碾压。
Strv S1:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
Strv S1的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。 ... 京ICP证140771号 | 京ICP备11014623号-1 | 京网文〔2023〕1374-042 ...
STRV-1 (Space Technology Research Vehicle 1) Missions
1994年6月17日 · STRV-1 (Space Technology Research Vehicle 1) Missions. STRV is a multi-microsatellite cooperative technology program, initiated by DERA (Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Farnborough, UK) in 1992. The prime objective of the program is to provide opportunities for the evaluation of several new technologies in-orbit.
Is STRV S1 worth the money? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2022年4月7日 · Strv S1 is a stealthy sniper that will hurt what you point and click at but can't brawl. SU-130PM is the hybrid sniper with a pseudo turret and a bigger boom. My personal preference is the Skorpion for the map flexibility but SU-130PM is growing on me.
Strv S1 VIII - skill4ltu Index
2021年2月19日 · VIII Strv S1. Sniper Tank Destroyer. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for Strv S1.
Strv S1 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Strv S1 is a Swedish tier 8 premium tank destroyer. The development of an advanced tank for Swedish army was performed by Sven Berge. First drafts of the unique vehicle were developed in 1956.
如何评价坦克世界中的Strv S1? - 知乎
Strv S1射速尚可,8秒多的射速在同级车中算是不错。 机动尚可,起步加速不是很好,极速还不错,与同级银币车UDES 03相比逊色一些。 优点:精度高、穿深高、伤害高、隐蔽高、扩圈惩罚小。
Strv S1 - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 target …
2025年2月23日 · Strv S1 Tier 8 Sniper Tank Destroyer ★ Premium / Special tank. The development of an advanced tank for Swedish army was performed by Sven Berge. First drafts of the unique vehicle were developed in 1956. By 1961, the design of the new vehicle was finalized, and a wooden prototype was built.