Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B - Wikipedia
The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B ("Assault Infantry Gun 33B"), was a German self-propelled heavy assault gun used during World War II. A new, fully enclosed, and heavily armored boxy …
Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33 - Tank Encyclopedia
2023年2月15日 · German Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33B equipped with the 15 cm sIG 33 howitzer for close infantry support, Stalingrad, fall 1942. Only 12 were deployed here, out of the 24 converted. Illustration by Tank Encyclopedia’s own David Bocquelet. Click here to partake!
33B突擊步兵砲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
33B突擊步兵砲 (德語: Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B)是一款 德國 於 第二次世界大戰 中使到的步兵支援 突擊炮。 33B步兵突擊炮在 三號突擊炮 的底盤上安裝了一個重裝甲密封式戰鬥室,并安裝了一門改良型的 15cm slG33重步兵炮。 主炮的位置在坦克的中軸線右側,備彈量為30發。 左右可以在3°的範圍內回轉,俯仰角為+25°—-6°。 在戰鬥室的左側安裝了一挺7.92mm MG 34機槍,備彈量600發。 射界範圍為左15°-右20°,俯仰角為+20°—-10°。 對於33B突擊炮的生產情 …
二战德国StuIG 33B型150毫米突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
sIG 33 L/114步兵炮,也就是StuIG 33B所搭载的步兵炮 根据希特勒的要求,三号突击步兵炮的装甲相当厚重,箱型战斗时采用熔接方式组合,正面装甲是五十毫米装甲加上三十毫米的铆接装甲,总共八十毫米,侧面有五十毫米,后面三十毫米,顶部二十毫米,底盘的 ...
StuIG 33 B – Wikipedia
Das Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B (StuIG 33 B) war ein während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von der deutschen Wehrmacht eingesetztes schweres Sturmgeschütz.
StuiG 33B | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The StuIG 33B, fully designated the Sturm-Infantriegeschütz 33B, was a heavy assault gun used by Germany during World War II. The StuiG was powered by a 296 hp, 12-cylinder Maybach HL120TRM petrol engine, and had a maximum speed of 40 km/h on roads. [1] The StuiG was armed with a 150 mm sIG 33/1...
低调的支援者和猎手,德国三号突击炮系列简介及图览 - 哔哩哔哩
三号突击炮(Sturmgeschütz III)是二战中德国以三号坦克底盘为基础改造的一款自行火炮,早期的三号突击炮仅仅是三号坦克的简单衍生品。 1940年1月,第一个正式生产版本问世,同年三月被定名为Sturmgeschütz,字面意思为突击炮,是一种用于进攻时为步兵提供近距离炮击、反坦克支援的装甲战斗车辆。 这个概念最早是由曼斯坦因提出的,他认为德国的进攻部队应当拥有可以跟随步兵发起进攻,有一定装甲和反工事能力的自行火炮以进行近距离的火力支援——这种简单便 …
33B步兵突击炮 - 百度百科
33B步兵突击炮(德语:Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B)是一款 德国 于 第二次世界大战 中使到的步兵支援 突击炮。 33B步兵突击炮在 三号突击炮 的底盘上安装了一个重装甲密封式战斗室, …
二战德国“丧心病狂”之作:150mm炮的三号突击炮您见过吗?sIG-33B …
Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B意为“突击步兵炮33B”,由于其只生产了24辆,所以实在是太冷门了,但扛着的那门150mm步兵炮实力却不容小觑! 它的结构也非常简单,就是阿尔凯特公司把从前线回收的三号突击炮底盘修复后,直接把一门sIG 33/1型150mm榴弹炮安装在车体上,并在外面包覆一个盒状战斗室。 “野牛”就是直接把炮安车上,轮子都还留着呢. sIG 33/1型150mm榴弹炮是莱茵金属的产品,本来是步兵炮,德国人图省事用它改装了不少自行火炮,包括我们熟悉的“野 …
Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B
Armoured Fighting Vehicles of Germany World War II. Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World Two. The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B or abbreviated to StugIG.
StuIG 33 B - WG
In 1942, a request for a self-propelled assault gun with stronger firepower was fulfilled by mounting a 15cm sIG 33 gun to a StuG chassis. The resulting vehicle was dubbed the Sturminfanteriegeschütze 33B, or StuIG 33b.
Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B was a German self-propelled heavy infantry gun used during World War II. A new, fully enclosed, and heavily armored boxy casemate superstructure was built on the chassis of the Sturmgeschütz III. It mounted …
Gaming - flamesofwar.com
The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B (Assault-Infantry Gun 33B) was a German self-propelled heavy assault. A new, fully enclosed, and heavily armoured boxy casemate superstructure was built on the chassis of the StuG. It mounted an improved version of the 15cm infantry gun.
StuIG 33B (GE133) - flamesofwar.com
The initial 12 prototype versions that had been completed earlier in 1941 were refurbished and 12 more were made in October 1942. These vehicles were all based on the StuG III Ausf E and F/8 chassis and were officially designated the StuIG33B. They were intended to aid in the close-quarter fighting in and around Stalingrad.
My Love of Impractical Things (STUG 33B in Bolt Action) - Blogger
2013年10月12日 · The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B was a German self-propelled heavy infantry gun used during World War II. A new, fully enclosed, and heavily armored boxy casemate superstructure was built on the chassis of the Sturmgeschütz III.
Panzer III Lord of the Blitzkreig: Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33B
2015年3月29日 · Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33B The StulG33B was the third attempt at mounting the 15cm slG33 on a Pz Kpfw chassis. Unlike those mounted on the Pz Kpfw I and II chassis, the slG33B was to have a fully-enclosed fighting compartment. In July 1941, Alkett was ordered to furnish twelve chassis which were to be completed by the middle of September.
Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B - Nevington War Museum
Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B - A close-support assault gun. Armed with a 15 cm sIG 33, 24 built. 12 used and lost in Stalingrad. Sturmgeschütz III - Assault gun/tank destroyer armed with a 75-millimetre (2.95 in) StuK. The Soviet SU-76i self-propelled gun was based on the chassis of captured German Panzer III and StuG III.
The StuGIG33B was another attempt to mobilise the 150mm sIG33, this time on the chassis of a StuG III. Some sources say that the chassis of various StuG IIIs were modified and used.
Scary STUG - BoltAltAction
2023年6月20日 · The StuIG 33B is an assault gun based on a Stug III chassis. Around 24 were produced in 1942. It is armed with a 150mm howitzer and a box machine gun. This file contains all the components needed to assemble a StuIG 33B in the “direct fire” and “indirect fire” positions. The file is scale in 28mm and also comes with:
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