我和RGP的这八年 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
rgp跟普通的软性隐形眼镜不一样,不能自己购买,有毕竟严谨的配镜流程,要到眼科医院专门的验光医生进行验配和试戴。 这种眼镜开封后有效期是两年,但如果护理得当,没有什么不舒服,我个人觉得戴个两年半都行,之前知乎上看到过戴一副戴三年的都有。
硬性透氧性角膜接触镜 - 百度百科
硬性透氧性角膜接触镜,缩写为RGP(RGP即Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens的英文缩写),RGP所含的硅、氟等聚合物,能够大大增加氧气的通过量。 与软性隐形眼镜相比,既提高了透氧性,又保证材料的牢固性,并且具有良好的湿润性和抗沉淀性。
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Library for the More RPG Classes & More RPG Content Series. Extends the Archers-Mod (RPG Series) with new content. Spell Engine Add-On. RPG custom recipes for Smithing Templates used in Netherite upgrades and Armor Trims. NPCs, randomly-generated quests, new structures and random encounters around the world.
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必看‼️RGP眼镜8年佩戴经验(高度近视 散光) - 百度
4️⃣眼药水:虽然rgp透氧性比软的隐形眼镜更好,但是现代人用眼那么多难免会干涩,医生推荐的海露玻璃酸钠滴眼液,不含防腐剂。 5️⃣眼镜质感:硬!
Common Mistakes Scleral and RGP Lens Wearers Make
2023年11月16日 · Understanding and properly managing scleral and RGP contact lenses is crucial for optimal eye health and comfort. However, many wearers inadvertently make mistakes that can compromise their lens performance and overall ocular health.
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Avowed review: godlike roleplaying from this old-school RPG - Stuff
2025年2月13日 · Does Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity spin-off give Skyrim a run for its money? An old-school action RPG that still cares about role-playing as much as action, depending on how you want to play it.
CL1 RGP stuff Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like tear lens formula, SAM FAP, system power and more.
Roleplaying Games & More - RPGnet
Can some describe the differences between BRP and Mythras? Your Favourite Hard Sci-Fi Campaigns or Modules? What are the absolute weirdest RPGs you've run into? 2024 Monster Manual is out soon! [Infinity/Warcrow] Infinity and Beyond! Corvus Belli's games. Magic: The Gathering General Thread #3: NEW SECRET LAIR ALERT!