SU-130PM - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The SU-130PM is a Soviet tier 8 premium tank destroyer. The SU-130PM is a project for a tank destroyer with an open cabin based on the SU-100PM. Unlike its predecessor, this modification featured a more powerful 130 mm gun that required specific changes to be introduced in the vehicle design. Obtained by completing The Winter Challenge event.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
SU-130PMTier VIII Premium Soviet Tank Destroyer Sniper. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. ... Caliber (mm) 130. Shell velocity (m/s) 1,030. Max range (m) 720. Ammo capacity 30. Potential damage 15,600. Shell cost 1,215. Mobility. Top speed (km/h) 65. Reverse speed (km/h) 20. Power (hp) 400. Power/weight (hp/t) 16.67.
从SU-130PM说起... - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
游戏中SU-130PM的火炮. 130mm M-65 这门炮大家可能比较陌生,但搭载它的计划中有一个大家可就很熟悉了。它就是——著名的核战坦克279工程。 ... 不过我觉得选择130这个口径,而且破天荒的创造出来520这个均伤级别,就是对标天蝎无中生有出来的一个Russian bias坦克
SU-130PM — Tier VIII Soviet tank destroyer - Blitz Hangar
130.0. Caliber. 3 / 25. 5.79. Rate of fire. ... The SU-130PM is a project for a tank destroyer with an open cabin based on the SU-100PM. Unlike its predecessor, this modification featured a more powerful 130 mm gun that required specific changes to be introduced in the vehicle design.
WOT:售价252元的SU-130PM“毛蝎”值不值得买?它真的适合你 …
“毛蝎”只是wg为了做一台性能可以和“天蝎”对位的s系强力8级金币坦歼 而强行将苏联未来重坦标配的130毫米m-65坦克炮放在了su-100pm的底盘上而“捏”出来的, 车是真的,炮是真的,但合在一起就是假的,纯属“合理想象” 。
SU-130PM - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 …
SU-130PM Tier 8 Sniper Tank Destroyer ★ Premium / Special tank. The SU-130PM is a project for a tank destroyer with an open cabin based on the SU-100PM. Unlike its predecessor, this modification featured a more powerful 130 mm gun that required specific changes to be introduced in the vehicle design. ... 130 mm M-65S (damage per shot: 520 ...
SU-130PM:隐形的顶级捕食者! | 活动 - 《坦克世界》
2021年2月22日 · 虽然su-130pm非常依赖掩体,但是它的游戏体验极具战术乐趣,令人兴奋,而且收益很高: 远离敌方视线后,您就能开始狩猎。 此外,这台自行反坦克炮的开炮音效非常特别: 声音非常响(因为它的130毫米口径火炮),但同时也有些低沉,听起来像是装了个消音器。
SU-130PM - Armor models, Best Equipment, Crew Skills, Stats, …
Discover the best equipment, crew skills, field modifications, WN8 stats, Marks of Excellence, mastery requirements, and armor models for SU-130PM. Explore in-depth details for optimal gameplay on Tomato.gg.
SU-130PM:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
坦克世界闪击战SU-130 PM测评 - 百家号
2022年4月9日 · su-130 pm,该车被称为“毛蝎”,顾名思义就是苏系的天蝎。 推荐指数:7.5 综述:9 该车在价格方面做到了“一个顶三”。实战中,虽然它不具备超模的强度,但完全可以称得上是较为强势的td。
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