List of Sukhoi aircraft - Wikipedia
Note: The Sukhoi OKB has reused aircraft designations, for example: the Su-9 from 1946 and the later Su-9 from 1956, the former was not produced in quantity. Sukhoi prototype designations …
Sukhoi Su-57 - Wikipedia
The Su-57 is the first aircraft in Russian military service designed with stealth technology and is intended to be the basis for a family of stealth combat aircraft.
苏-57 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
苏-57 (俄语: Сухой Су-57[14], 羅馬化:Sukhoy Su-57)是一款單座雙發動機設計的具 匿蹤能力 的屬 第五代 多用途戰機 [15],它由 俄羅斯联邦 聯合航空製造公司 旗下 苏霍伊航空集团 主 …
Exclusive: SU-67 Single Engine 5th Generation Fighter Jet ... - YouTube
Russia’s latest fighter aircraft will be unveiled, and, indeed, demonstrated, at the MAKS-2021 show on July 20. We consider what this might mean and what the configuration of the …
苏-75战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
苏-75 (俄语: Су-75;代号:“ 绝杀 ” [1],俄语: Шах и Мат,英語: Checkmate)是一款 苏霍伊航空集团 正在研发中的中型单引擎 第五代战斗机,未来可能服役于 俄罗斯空天军。 2021 …
Sukhoi Su-67 'Sasha' - SimplePlanes
The Sukhoi Su-67 'Sasha', or 'Defender', is a Russian 6th Gen, carrier based fighter developed by Sukhoi as an answer to the American F/A XX. The Sasha is meant to work hand in hand with …
SU-67“鹭” 战斗轰炸机概念原画(多涂装) - 哔哩哔哩
2022年5月9日 · su-67“鹭” 战斗轰炸机 一款前掠翼战斗轰炸机,隶属于社会主义阵营空天武装力量。 前掠翼设计让其拥有良好的低空低速性能,搭配一系列对地武器,可对地面武装形成空中 …
Sukhoi Su-67 'Blood Eagle' - SimplePlanes
2024年11月20日 · The Su-67 is a super-maneuverable fighter/interceptor that combines the stealthy design of the Su-57 with the Gripen's distinctive canards.
Sukhoi Su-67 - SimplePlanes
The Sukhoi Su-67 was designed in the New Soviet Union to be a 5th generation, multirole stealth aircraft to provide the Red Air Force with a modern and capable aircraft at a lower cost than …