Management of molar pregnancy - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The diagnosis of a molar pregnancy might be suspected based on a number of clinical features: abnormal vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is the most common presentation; uterus large for dates (25%); pain from large benign theca-lutein cysts (20%); vaginal passage of grape-like vescicles (10%); exaggerated pregnancy symptoms including ...
Suction curettage is the preferred method for management of all suspected molar pregnancies. In partial mole where fetal parts are too large to allow surgical management then medical management may be used. (Medical management is generally avoided because of the concern that uterotonics could disseminate trophoblastic tissue.)
Critical care management of molar pregnancy in a peripheral set-up
Beginning at about 10–12 weeks' gestation, maternal plasma levels of beta-hCG begin to decline, and a nadir reached by about 20 weeks and maintained at this level for the rest of the pregnancy. Suction and evacuation is the preferred method of evacuation of a molar pregnancy, regardless of uterine size, for patients who desire to preserve ...
A suction catheter up to a maximum of 12mm is satisfactory for the rapid evacuation and involution of the uterus. • Oxytocin infusion can beused after evacuation, especially if brisk bleeding occurs .
Guideline No. 408: Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases
Women with suspected hydatidiform mole should be offered either suction evacuation of the uterus or hysterectomy for initial management (strong, moderate). All Rh-negative women should be offered anti-D immune globulin after uterine evacuation to …
MVA Kit - Manual Vacuum Aspirator Kit with Karman Cannula
Specialized Syringe used to Suction during the Surgical Abortion Procedure. Smooth catheter surface, Rounded Tip; MVA Kit is a medical device used for manual vacuum aspiration procedures. It is ideal for various gynecological procedure including abortion, miscarriage management, and termination of pregnancy.
Management of complete molar pregnancy - PubMed
Suction curettage is the preferred method of molar evacuation regardless of uterine size in patients who desire to preserve fertility. Prophylactic chemotherapy may be useful in the management of high-risk molar pregnancy, especially when hormonal follow-up is either unavailable or unreliable.
Different modalities of treatment such as suction evacuation, D&C and hysterectomy were used for the patients with molar pregnancy. Suction evacuation was the first line treatment in 87.5% patients of molar pregnancy & follow up should be done at least
Vacuum Aspiration for Molar Pregnancy - Kaiser Permanente
2017年11月21日 · Vacuum aspiration is a surgical procedure. It's used to remove molar pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This procedure uses a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached by tubing to a bottle and a pump. The pump provides a gentle vacuum. First the cervix is opened, or dilated. Then the cannula is passed into the uterus.
The primary treatment for molar pregnancy involves surgical intervention, specifically uterine evacuation performed through suction and curettage, often under ultrasound guidance. In some cases, an overnight hospital stay might be necessary to prevent hemorrhagic complications.