约 39,100 个结果
  1. Begonias, especially wax varieties with bronze foliage, can grow well in full sun. They require a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Begonias prefer well-drained soil.
    Begonias, especially wax varieties with bronze foliage, can grow well in full sun. They require a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Begonias prefer well-drained soil.
    The answer to this question depends on the type of begonia and its specific needs. Some begonias thrive in full sun, while others prefer partial shade or even full shade.
    Begonias are adaptable plants that tolerate different light conditions, depending on their specific variety, ranging from full sun to shade.
    Begonias are known for their preference for partial shade to full shade conditions. In their natural habitat, they are often found growing under the canopy of trees, where they receive filtered light.
    Begonias are versatile in their requirements: Old-fashioned wax varieties do great in the shade, while several newer wax begonias are perfectly happy in full shade to full sun.
  2. Do Begonias Like Sun? 5 Types That Love Bright Light

  3. Which Begonias Tolerate Hot Sun? - Hunker

    2011年1月18日 · Keeping begonias healthy by providing good growing conditions helps them survive stressful conditions like hot, intense sunlight. Begonias …

  4. Begonias: Sun or Shade? A Guide to Optimal Growing Conditions

  5. Can Begonias Grow in Full Sun? - stonepostgardens.com

  6. Bring the Heat: Growing Fabulous Full Sun Begonias!

  7. How to Grow and Care for Begonias - The Spruce

    2024年9月13日 · Begonias are forest understory plants in their native habitats, so they usually do best in partial sun positions outdoors. Some types, like wax begonias, will flower consistently in full sun. Indoors, begonias appreciate a …

  8. Do Begonias Like Sun? A Guide to Begonia Sunlight …

    2024年10月31日 · Begonias are shade-loving plants and cannot tolerate full sun conditions. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause their leaves to burn and reduce their growth rate. It is best to provide them with bright indirect sunlight or …

  9. Discover the Best Begonia for Sun: Top 5 Stunning Varieties

  10. Begonia Care Tips: How Much Sun Should a Begonia Get for …

  11. Begonia: Sun or Shade? Learn More About Begonia’s …

    2024年12月10日 · Unsure of your begonia’s light needs? Read the comprehensive guide from Lively Root’s plant experts to learn if begonias thrive in sun or shade!