Yan Tang | Department of Linguistics | Illinois
My current research focuses on speech technologies such as speech intelligibility enhancement in adverse listening conditions, computational modelling of speech perception in noise and …
YAN TANG - Google Scholar
YAN TANG. PhD, Tsinghua University. Verified email at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn. single-atom catalyst theoretical calculations. Articles Cited by ... G Ren, Y Ren, Y Su, J Zhang, X Sun, Z Chen, ... Science China Materials 63 (6), 949-958, 2020. 39: 2020: Probing Ligand-Induced Cooperative Orbital Redistribution That Dominates Nanoscale Molecule ...
Voicing-, voiceless-, and non-glimpses in speech intelligibility ...
AU - Sun, Yinglun. AU - Tang, Yan. PY - 2023. Y1 - 2023. N2 - The number of speech spectro-temporal (S-T) regions escaping from noise masking, known as “glimpses,” is proportional to speech intelligibility in noise. Previous studies have demonstrated that intelligibility can be estimated by calculating the glimpse proportion (GP).
People | Department of Linguistics | Illinois
Yan Tang . Emeritus Faculty. Jennifer S. Cole Professor Emeritus: Chin Woo Kim Professor Emeritus: Body. Administrative Contacts. ... Mingyue Huo (Linguistics) Sarah Johnson (Linguistics) Yan Sun (Linguistics) Yinglun Sun (Linguistics) Giang Le (Linguistics) Body. Alumni. Body. Ander Beristain, Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Mississippi ...
Yibo Sun - Google Scholar
Y Sun, D Guo, D Tang, N Duan, Z Yan, X Feng, B Qin. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.04267, 2018. 6: 2018: Learning to select bi-aspect information for document-scale text content manipulation. X Feng, Y Sun, B Qin, H Gong, Y Sun, W Bi, X Liu, T Liu. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (05), 7716-7723, 2020. 5:
Shi-Yang Tang (唐詩楊) - Google Scholar
Scientia Assoc. Prof., UNSW, Sydney; ARC Future Fellow; Assoc. Prof., University of Southampton, UK - Cited by 8,133 - Microfluidics ...
Shui Yan Tang | USC Price
Shui Yan Tang’s research focuses on institutional analysis and design, common-pool resource governance, environmental politics and policy, collaborative governance, and governance reform. He is the author of Institutions and Collective Action: Self-Governance in Irrigation (ICS Press, 1992) and Ten Principles for a Rule-ordered Society ...
Reviving: restoring depression-like behaviour through glial cell ...
2024年2月1日 · Given research showing that glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may have an antidepressant effect, we sought to evaluate the impact of exogenous GDNF on depression-like behaviour in mouse models of Parkinson disease.
Dr. Yan Tang is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Uni-versity in Daytona Beach, Fla. Her current research in engineering education focuses on cognitive load theory, deliberate practice, and effective pedagogical practices. Her background is in dynamics and con-trols.
Yan TANG | Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou - ResearchGate
Yan TANG | Cited by 883 | of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (SYSU) | Read 50 publications | Contact Yan TANG