7 New Technologies to Find Sunken Ships - ASME
2020年2月26日 · A fleet of 15 autonomous ships will travel the world mapping, inspecting underwater infrastructure, and looking for shipwrecks. Robotic ships will vary in size from 69 to 121 feet, will be capable of deploying a range of sensors, AUVs, and ROVs, and will be operated remotely from onshore control centers. The Armada is set to deploy later this year.
Crossing the Ocean Blue - ASME
2013年10月11日 · Designed and engineered to be sturdier than any other ships of the day, Columbus’s ships could withstand punishment at sea that would have wrecked most contemporary ships. Gist goes on to describe how Columbus’s boats were also designed and engineered for different purposes, complementing each other as …
John Ericsson - ASME
2012年4月25日 · The press lambasted the project as a "cheese box on a raft" (the cheese box was the turret that spun above the water—first of its kind). Once made, the U.S.S. Monitor was on its way to New Orleans when the Confederate ironclad, the Merrimac, began ramming and sinking the ships of a blockade at Hampton Roads. The North feared it would soon ...
Many Liberty Ships sailed without defensive weapons, especially at the beginning of the pro-gram. Later, most were equipped with a 3 inch/50 caliber gun at the bow, a 5 inch/38 caliber at the stern, and eight 20-mm guns — two forward, four on top of the midship house and two aft. Ships for-tunate enough to bear this armament also carried
The Afterlife of Old Offshore Oil Rigs - ASME
2019年10月31日 · A science and an Art. Oil platforms come in many types and sizes. Those designed for the deepest waters float on the surface, stabilized by ballast and held in place by tension cables anchored to the sea floor.
ASME B30.21 - Lever Hoists | 2025 - ASME
B30.21 applies to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of ratchet and pawl and friction brake type lever chain, rope and web strap hoists used for lifting, pulling, and tensioning applications.
B30.10 - Hooks - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME B30.10 applies to hooks used for load handling purposes including hooks supporting a load in the base (bowl/saddle or pinhole) of the hook.
ASME B30.9 - Slings | 2018 | PDF | - ASME
Volume B30.9 includes provisions that apply to the fabrication, attachment, use, inspection, testing, and maintenance of slings used for load handling purposes, used in conjunction with equipment described in other volumes of the B30 Standard, except as restricted in ASME B30.12 and ASME B30.23.
Sustainability - ASME
2024年2月1日 · Explore ASME's commitment to sustainability, addressing climate challenges through innovation, policy, & workforce development.
ASME B18.6.3-2013 (Revision of ASME B18.6.3-2010) Machine Screws, Tapping Screws, and Metallic Drive Screws (Inch Series)