Manage stress: Strengthen your support network
2019年10月8日 · Emotional support is an important protective factor for dealing with life’s difficulties. A 2022 study found that social support bolsters resilience in stressful situations. High levels of loneliness are associated with physical health symptoms, living alone, small social networks, and low-quality social relationships.
The science of friendship - American Psychological Association (APA)
2023年6月1日 · A review of 38 studies found that adult friendships, especially high-quality ones that provide social support and companionship, significantly predict well-being and can protect against mental health issues such as depression and anxiety—and those benefits persist across the life span (Pezirkianidis, C., et al., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol ...
Classrooms are adapting to the use of artificial intelligence
2025年1月1日 · “It’s sort of a gold rush right now for edtech companies to sell districts the right thing, without having any data to support their claims,” said educational psychologist Stephen Aguilar, PhD, an associate professor of education at the University of Southern California who studies how such technologies relate to student motivation and ...
Maximizing children’s resilience - American Psychological …
Some of those influences are related to the attachment system, including having supportive parents or primary caregivers, close relationships with other caring adults and close peer relationships. Still others exist in systems beyond the family, such as effective schools and neighborhoods and the qualities of faith and hope embedded in ...
Improving sibling relationships - American Psychological …
2022年3月1日 · Sibling support also has tangible benefits in early adulthood. A longitudinal study of university students found that when pursuing personal goals, sibling support is as advantageous as support from parents and peers (Audet, É. …
How grieving changes the brain, with Mary-Frances O’Connor, PhD
Few of us will make it through life without losing someone we love. Mary-Frances O’Connor, PhD, of the University of Arizona, discusses how neuroscience can help us to better understand grief and resilience after loss, why grief is different from depression, effective therapy for grief, whether it’s possible to experience grief over the death of a celebrity, and how to support people when ...
Making stepfamilies work - American Psychological Association …
2019年8月23日 · APA Publishing products and resources that support research, education, practice and general wellbeing.
High School Lesson 1: Values - American Psychological …
2024年10月2日 · We face obstacles, both small and big, all the time. Being in school with our friends and teachers can be a great support system where we can get help to overcome our challenges. Let’s spend a little time talking about the barriers you have come up …
Safeguarding student mental health - American Psychological …
2020年9月1日 · In this tiered system, all students receive academic and behavioral instruction and support, which includes learning about wellness and coping skills that can prevent mental health problems. Students with mild or emerging mental health problems receive targeted second-tier intervention, often from school-based counselors or school psychologists ...
What do practicing psychologists do?
2019年12月11日 · Practicing psychologists have the professional training and clinical skills to help people learn to cope more effectively with life issues and mental health problems.