Suspended chord - Wikipedia
A suspended chord (or sus chord) is a musical chord in which the (major or minor) third is omitted and replaced with a perfect fourth or a major second. [1] The lack of a minor or a major third in the chord creates an open sound, while the dissonance between the fourth and fifth or second and root creates tension.
什么是Sus和弦(挂留和弦) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Sus和弦,是suspended的缩写,这个单词是悬浮,挂留的意思,和弦中的三音通常替换为二音或四音的和弦。本质上,假设我们采用C大音阶,它对应于以下7个音符:C – D – E – F – G – A –B。
Simultaneous sus2 and sus4 triad : r/musictheory - Reddit
2020年5月25日 · Both sus2 and sus4 are suspensions of the third, and so both would resolve to the third, not the root - resolving a sus2 to the root would leave you with a thirdless chord, just an open fifth, e.g. (D, E, A) → (D, D, A). However, when both a 2 and a 4 are present, you would resolve the sus4 by step down to the third, and the sus2 to the root.
What are Sus2 and Sus4 Chords? - Guitar Music Theory by Desi Serna
2020年2月27日 · Anytime you replace a major chord’s 3rd with either a 2nd or 4th, you make a sus2 or sus4 chord. For example, a D major chord consists of the notes D-F#-A. F# is the 3rd. If I replace the 3rd with the 2nd, E, the chord becomes Dsus2. If I replace the F# with the 4th, G, the chord becomes Dsus4.
How to Play and Apply Sus2 and Sus4 Chords - GUITARHABITS
2023年9月6日 · Here’s where the sus chords comes in… The sus4 chord consists of the root, 4th and 5th notes of the major scale (1-4-5) = C F G. You can see that the sus4 chord (“sus” stands for “suspended”.) replaces the third with the fourth note. The sus2 chord consists of the root, 2nd and 5th notes of the major scale (1-2-5) = C D G.
What are Sus2 and Sus4 Chords? (Definition and How to Play)
Sus2 and Sus4 chords are great substitutes for major and minor chords, and express a neutral emotion in music. Practice them by substituting major 3rds and minor 3rds from basic chord shapes.
Simple "Sus" Chords - University of Puget Sound
The two basic sus chords are the sus4 and sus2 chords. In the sus4 chord (also labeled simply as “sus”), a perfect 4th replaces the 3rd of the chord. In the sus2 chord (sometimes called “sus9”), a major 2nd replaces the 3rd of the chord. Both of these sus …
Learn How to Use Suspended Chords in the Style of Jimmy Page, …
2023年8月31日 · In this lesson, we’ll start with open-position voicings and move on to movable voicings, to give you a complete overview of these useful chords. The two most commonly used suspended chords are the suspended 2nd (sus2) and the suspended 4th (sus4).
Suspended Sus chords in Music Theory : Sus2 or Sus4
2012年4月19日 · A suspended chord, or “sus chord”, is a chord in which the third has been displaced by either of its dissonant neighbouring notes, forming intervals of a major second or (more commonly), a perfect fourth with the root. This results in two distinct chord types: the suspended second (sus2) and the suspended fourth (sus4).
Sus Chords – What They Are And How To Play Them - Online …
2019年1月27日 · Let’s look at the main Sus 2 and Sus 4 chords that can be played as open chords. Some of these are actually add 2/9 chords, but we’ll explain that difference shortly.