铃木搭载VVT技术发动机专利公布,GSX 250 R 要再战亿年
2024年3月31日 · 铃木近日公布了一项关于小排量并列双缸发动机的新专利,该发动机融入了可变汽门正时(VVT)技术,将用于国民神车 GSX 250 R 身上! 早就在汽车领域基本普遍的VVT技术在摩托车生产领域还是比较少的。 随着大家投入VVT技术的研发,铃木已经拥有摩托车可变气门正时的经验。 去年也是申请了铃木隼的发动机搭载VVT技术专利。 知耻后勇,铃木隼发动机新专利流出,有望突破200匹! 但是这次根据专利文件显示,铃木的这款VVT发动机排气量 …
Suzuki’s New VVT Engine - Cycle World
2024年3月27日 · Small variable valve timing twin-cylinder engine emerges in patent. Suzuki is working on a new VVT design for its small-displacement engines.
Inside Suzuki's Variable Valve Timing - Cycle World
2016年4月7日 · When Suzuki showed its 2017 GSX-R1000 Concept at the EICMA show last year, it introduced a new method of variable valve timing, an all-mechanical system that uses centrifugal weights between...
2024年3月28日 · SUZUKI 近日申請了一項新專利,內容為一具搭載可變汽門正時 (VVT) 技術的小排量並列雙缸引擎。 這項消息一出,立刻引起了車迷們的熱烈討論。 VVT 技術在汽車領域已經相當普及,但在摩托車領域卻相對較少見;近年隨著BMW、KTM 等大廠紛紛投入 VVT 技術的開發,SUZUKI 也終於按捺不住,加入了這場戰局。 根據專利文件,SUZUKI 這具 VVT 引擎的排氣量為 248cc,與現行的 GSX250R 相同,不過,由於 VVT 技術的加持,這具引擎的性能有望得 …
再見了 MotoGP科技?SUZUKI提出新一代可變汽門技術專利
2019年1月16日 · 現行款gsx-r1000上頭所搭載的可變汽門技術稱為sr-vvt,這套系統源自於賽事最高殿堂motogp上頭的科技,由於賽會規定車廠禁止使用常見的液壓控制進入賽道,所以suzuki的sr-vvt是採用偏向物理性的設計,藉由凸輪軸旁的鋼珠以及運轉時的離心力,來改變氣門正時位置。
DF250/DF225/DF200 | MARINE | Global Suzuki
The DF250 incorporates Suzuki's advanced Variable Valve Timing (VVT). VVT is used to alter intake timing with the camshaft to optimize camshaft timing for low to mid-range operation. Combined with the outboard's aggressive cam profile VVT delivers greater low to mid-range torque for powerful acceleration.
Suzuki Patents VVT Hayabusa - Cycle World
2023年8月21日 · Several newly published patent documents have emerged showing a version of Suzuki ’s Hayabusa fitted with variable valve timing, a system that could help add even more performance while...
Suzuki’s Leap into VVT & Lift Systems for Motorcycles
2024年3月28日 · Suzuki’s upcoming venture into VVT&L systems for small-capacity parallel twins builds upon proven concepts already present in the market. The system utilizes a single camshaft with multiple lobes for each cylinder, enabling variable valve lift and duration.
On The Water For Longer With Variable Valve Timing - Nauti-Tech Suzuki
Suzuki VVT Explained: How variable valve timing works in outboard motors to increase torque and save you fuel. With diagrams and a list of outboards that feature VVT, Plus: Discover 16 more outboards enhanced with fuel economy through Lean Burn technology.
The Details Behind Suzuki’s Variable Valve Timing Technology
2016年10月12日 · The VVT technology is not new. The system is already used on motorcycles built by different manufacturers. But why is the one developed by Suzuki so special, and how does it work?