Seestar S50 All-in-One Smart Telescope
Seestar S50 is an entry-level intelligent astronomical telescope that sets itself apart from other entry-level telescopes by allowing users to “see” various deep space celestial objects through photography. Compared with traditional astrophotography equipment, Seestar S50 has a higher level of integration and intelligence.
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope by ZWO | Free 2-Day Shipping
2023年4月13日 · Capture Breathtaking Photos of Space — No Experience Required! Introducing the Seestar S50 Smart Telescope—a revolutionary all-in-one device that integrates a telescope, camera, tracking mount, focuser, astronomy filters, and …
ZWO Seestar S50 50mm f/5 All-in-One Smart Telescope - B&H Photo …
2025年3月24日 · Buy ZWO Seestar S50 50mm f/5 All-in-One Smart Telescope featuring Fully Automated GoTo Telescope/Camera, View Imagery on Phone or Tablet, Air-Spaced Triplet Apochromatic Lens, Live Stacking Capability, Light Pollution Filter, ND 5.0 Filter for Solar Observation, Landscape and Stargazing Modes, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Connectivity, Rechargeable, 6 ...
ZWO Seestar S50 All-in-One Smart Telescope - High Point Scientific
The SeeStar S50 Smart Telescope from ZWO combines a telescope, electric focuser, astronomy camera, and ASIAIR controller into one unit! This all-in-one telescope also includes an alt-azimuth mount, integrated tripod, and filter-switching device to give you the most well-rounded, out-of-the-box experience possible!
- 评论数: 285
Seestar | Smart Telescope | S50
Connected through an exclusive app, we can all enjoy the enigmatic night sky and contemplate the meaning of life, regardless of our diverse backgrounds. "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." – Carl Sagan. A visionary sub-brand of ZWO aims to offer intelligent astronomical solutions to everyone.
田麦测评 | Seestar S50:妥妥的入门机、备用机和出差机 - 知乎
当一台崭新的Seestar S50 智能天文望远镜 摆在我面前,50mm口径,250mm焦距,F5的机器,仅2.5公斤重的设备,散发着黝黝的暗光,让人爱不释手。 没多想,马上急不及待地开光去。 在手机下载并打开Seestar App,然后长按设备的电源键3秒,黄色指示灯亮起,待语音播报“ 已开机,等待连接 ”后,在手机App界面上点击“ 开始连接 ”。 先通过蓝牙寻找设备,找到你的Seestar设备后,再按“ 开始连接 ”,然后询问你要加入S50的WiFi吗? 回答“ 加入 ”。 第一次进入,还需在设 …
振旺光电seestar s50智能天文望远镜是个什么级别? - 知乎
通过算法的升级,Seestar S50再次优化了S50的出图效果,大大降低了 Walking Noise 的影响。 另外考虑到大部分用户所在光害地区,硬件上面我们增添了光害滤镜 (带宽OIII 30nm/Ha 20nm),用户可以在APP里面手动切换至光害滤镜。 更多拍摄样张请查看链接: 这东西就是个导星镜+ 导星相机,做成一体机图个方便。 上限就是导星相机搭配信达50ED导星镜(zwo这个三片主镜在1/3的底上甚至有紫星),整再多烂活也改变不了。 不能说级别,这样一体式的产品在整个 …
ZWO Seestar S50 Review - PCMag
2024年5月16日 · The $499 ZWO Seestar S50 smart telescope is an automated camera primarily for photographing the Sun, Moon, and other celestial objects, though it can also capture terrestrial sights just as ...
ZWO SeeStar S50 All-in-One Smart APO Telescope & Tripod
2025年2月7日 · The ZWO Seestar S50 is a remarkable product that integrates a telescope, electric focuser, astronomical camera, ASIAIR intelligent controller, altazimuth mount, and filter-switching device into a single unit!
ZWO SeeStar S50 Smart Telescope - Astronomics
The ZWO Seestar S50 is poised to be the next revolution in astronomy. Say hello to the ZWO Seestar S50. What exactly is the Seestar S50? Is it a telescope? Is it a camera? Does it have electric focus? Does it have computer GoTo? The simple …
- 评论数: 18