SWEP(舒瑞普)_苏州赫普斯换热设备有限公司 - szhepusi.com
主要产品:钎焊式(CBE)和拼装式(PHE) 板式换热器,产品规格超过60种,可以很好的满足用户的各种需要。2007年,瑞典SWEP(即音译舒瑞普)公司中的PHE业务被美国Tranter(传特)公司收购到其名下,所以品牌和公司都要进行更名。
MCD gaskets range - Group MCD
MCD® gaskets available in all materials: HNBR, NBR-NITRIEL, IIR-BUTYL®, NEOPRENE®, FKM – VITON®, CSM-HYPALON®, VKM-SILICON. Flexibility and responsiveness with the possibility to develop specific gaskets; 30 new molds are developed each year in intern and more than 700 molds in stock on our site;
B85 - SWEP
The B85 is a highly efficient heat exchanger with a higher thermal performance than any comparable product. The B85 is the perfect choice for high-performance condensers and demanding heat transfer requirements. The large ports enable it to cope with high capacities.
Dichtungen Ersatz Swep G75 - Arimex
Dichtungen Ersatz G75 - SWEP. Arimex Standarddichtungen sind in NBR-HT, EPDM-HT, NBR-HT-FDA und EPDM-HT-FDA verfügbar. Weitergehende Informationen erhalten Sie auf Anfrage. Produkt nachfragen
Dichtungen SWEP – Arimex
Sollten Sie noch einen geschraubten Plattenwärmetauscher von SWEP besitzen und feststellen, dass die Dichtungen verhärten, dann ist es allerhöchste Zeit für eine Rekonditionierung. Wir können die alten Dichtungen mit hochwertigen Ersatzdichtungen ersetzen.
Challenge efficiency - SWEP
SWEP is a world-leading supplier of brazed plate heat exchangers for HVAC and industrial applications. Designed to make the most efficient use of energy, material, and space, the technology is quickly winning ground around the world, …
Product database - SWEP
SWEP is a world-leading supplier of brazed plate heat exchangers for HVAC and industrial applications. Designed to make the most efficient use of energy, material, and space, the technology is quickly winning ground around the world, …
SWEP heat exchanger calculation and selection tool called DThermX. Support different types of heat exchanger calculations and applications. Allows to calculate single phase, single phase duals, condensers, evaporators, heat pumps, district energy, AHRI, two stage, air dryer.
解决方案 - SWEP
舒瑞普是空调、制冷、 采暖和工业应用的钎焊板式换热器供应商,其拥有的钎焊板式换热技术能够有效利用能源、材料和空间,设计理念因而正迅速占领全球市场,舒瑞普也因此处于行业发展的前端。
工作原理 - SWEP
标准的板材是采用纯铜 (C) 或镍 (N) 填料真空焊接的 AISI 316 不锈钢 (S)。 在要求较高的应用场合下,还可以使用一种钼含量较高的不锈钢 (SMO 254) 制成的板片。
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