Swiss PDB Viewer - Home
Swiss-PdbViewer (aka DeepView) is an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyze several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant parts.
Automated comparative protein structure modeling with SWISS-MODEL and Swiss-PdbViewer: A historical perspective.
Swiss PdbViewer简要说明
2020年5月14日 · 进入 Swiss PDB Viewer 官网,如下图指示来下载对应版本的软件,文件夹中提供下载好的Windows版本软件SPDBV_4.10_PC.zip,解压即用无需安装,双击spdbv.exe即可。
Swiss-PdbViewer: Download
Download Swiss-PdbViewer Loop Database (2.45Mb). This step is only useful if you intend to do standalone modeling, or for teaching purposes. To be able to use the loop database, put it into the Swiss-PdbViewer "_stuff_" directory. Download pdf User Guide (for v.3.7) (2Mb).
Swiss PDB Viewer User Guide - Main - UNIL
Swiss-PdbViewer can load and display several molecules simultaneously. Each molecule is loaded into its own layer. Each molecule is composed of groups (i.e. amino acids, nucleotides, substrates...). Each group is composed of atoms, whose coordinates are taken directly from a PDB file. Workspace. The workspace is divided into several windows
Swiss PDB Viewer Tutorial - Tools Menu - UNIL
If Swiss-PdbViewer cannot guess your space group, you might have to locate it yourself. Then click on the header of your space group (that is displayed in red) if you want to build all symmetries, or just on the crystallographic operator you want to use.
Swiss-Pdb又名DeepView是一个可以同时 分析几个蛋白应用程序。 通过蛋白质叠加以推断结构比对和比较 它们的活性部位或任何其他相关的部分。 通过直观的图形和菜单界面很容易获得 氨基酸的突变、氢键、角度和原子之间的距 离。 Swiss-Pdb也可以阅读电子密度图 ...
SWISS-MODEL and the Swiss-PdbViewer: an environment for
The Swiss-PdbViewer not only acts as a client for SWISS-MODEL, but also provides a large selection of structure analysis and display tools. In addition, we provide the SWISS-MODEL Repository, a database containing more than 3500 automatically generated protein models.
DeepView – the Swiss-PdbViewer (or SPDBV), is an interactive molecular graphics program for viewing and analyzing protein and nucleic acid structures. In combination with Swiss-Model (a server for automated comparative protein modeling maintained at http://www.expasy.org/swissmod) new protein structures can also be modeled.
SWISS‐MODEL and the Swiss‐Pdb Viewer: An environment for …
2005年4月14日 · The Swiss-PdbViewer not only acts as a client for SWISS-MODEL, but also provides a large selection of structure analysis and display tools. In addition, we provide the SWISS-MODEL Repository, a database containing …
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