fang shi - Google 学术搜索
华南理工大学 - 引用次数:367 次 - 联邦学习、分布式计算、云计算
Fang Shi - Google Scholar
Huaiyin Institute of Technology - Cited by 702 - Computational mechanics
Fan Shi - GitHub Pages
I am an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, awarded by Presidential Young Professorship. I am leading NUS Human-centered …
石访 山东大学主页平台管理系统--中文主页
教师英文名称: Fang 教师拼音名称: Shi Fang 电子邮箱: [email protected] 入职时间: 2014-03-24 所在单位: 电气工程学院 职务: 副所长(电力系统研究所) 学历: 博士研究生毕业 性别: 男 学位: 工学博士学位 在职信息: 在职 毕业院校: 上海交通大学 硕士生 ...
Team – Gupta Lab
Shi Fang received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Sun Yat-sen University before joining the Ph.D. program in Pharmacology at the University of Iowa in 2016. In Dr. Curt Sigmund’s lab, Shi completed her thesis which was focused on understanding the molecular and physiological function of an atypical Rho GTPase in hypertension and arterial stiffness. Shi is currently a ...
JCI Insight - RhoBTB1 reverses established arterial stiffness in ...
Published March 31, 2022 Citation Information: JCI Insight. 2022; 7 (9):e158043. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.158043.
Shi Fang, PhD – Cardiovascular Life Sciences - Harvard University
2025年3月15日 · Shi is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Rajat Gupta’s lab at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Genetics in Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, where she studies genetic variants in cardiovascular diseases. Keywords Cardiovascular diseases Vascular Biology Genetic Variants Genomic Editing
Shi FANG | Doctor of Philosophy | University of Science and …
Shi FANG | Cited by 1,463 | of University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (USTC) | Read 49 publications | Contact Shi FANG
Shi Fang Wu Sheng / Аниме - Шикимори
Очень годный тайтл. А почему? Да по потому что тут практически в каждой серии хрустят шеи, и режутся глотки всем кто попадется под руку. Суровые китайские будни умеренно приправленные прокачкой ГГ. 7/10 Можно было бы ...
Shi Fang | Harvard Catalyst Profiles | Harvard Catalyst
For fellow personal and demographic information, contact HMS Human Resources at human_resources @hms.harvard.edu. For faculty personal and demographic information, …