x68000:installing_scsi2sd_on_x68000_externally - GameSX
scsi2sd-util is an application to configure your SCSI2SD USB attached device. Download it from the folder corresponding to your OS (windows/64bit/scsi2sd-util.exe for Windows, mac/scsi2sd-util.dmg for Apple OSX) from the File menu select “Upgrade Firmware…”
SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v3.01 - nfg.forums
2023年6月16日 · all SxSI and SCSI machines, with games and software that just works "Out of the box." Some features of this HDD Image: - Patched HUMAN.SYS by HUYE - allows for proper drive mapping - Bootable on SxSI and SCSI X68000 machines - Bootable on X68000 machines with faulty floppy drives - Added new game installations of my own.
SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v3.01 - Page 2 - nfg.forums
2023年6月16日 · Just wanted to follow up that I put together a small SASI bootable partition meant for setting up SxSI drivers. I have no way to test it and know if it is fully working though. Things I'd like to know: 1. Does it boot on a system without working floppy drives? 2. Does the SxSI install work ok?
x68000:hard_drive_on_sasi_machine - GameSX
2023年7月4日 · SCSI2SD is an open hardware and open source project by codesrc designs. It features a Micro-SD card slot, is firmware updatable and configurable over USB, costs considerably less than STRATOS CF AztecMonster and is compatible with X68000. Make sure to update it to the latest firmware if you want to use it with SASI bus.
DAGITTY-有向图DAG的可视化构建工具 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年2月15日 · 这两天在看 因果推断 的 dowhy包 ,里面提到了如果要构建DAG的话,要么用gml格式,要么用dot格式。 推荐的是gml格式,里面提到了一个工具. 可以用UI来画有向图,界面很清爽,最主要是这个地方. 代码生成区. 这个可以直接复制到dowhy里面,替换掉data的这一项就 ...
#sxsi (@sxsi_mina_) • Instagram photos and videos
391 Followers, 30 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from #sxsi (@sxsi_mina_)
Ray 源码分析(十五)—Ray Dag - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
另外,官博上提到了 dag.experimental_compile 能够提升20%训练吞吐,并且以更低的开发成本实现不同并行策略,所以好奇地分析一下dag和compiled graph有什么可以学习的地方吧。
Sasi dǎ rén (@sxsi.g) • Instagram photos and videos
1,214 Followers, 803 Following, 124 Posts - Sasi dǎ rén (@sxsi.g) on Instagram: "HYPEMAN est. '17, so turn up or turn around I make music, igtv @xnavii_vaish ️"
SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v3.01 - Page 7 - nfg.forums
2023年6月16日 · Open the .HDS or .IMA image. Select the Human68k HDD SCISI profile. The games are all found inside the Games folders, in the case of the image X68000_V4.HDS (Released by Eidis). You can open multiple images at the same time, by starting the program again, and drag the folders wherever you want, even directly into other HDD images.
2025年1月1日 · This install guide was created to help new users install the SxSI-SCSI HDD image on their X68000 systems minimum 2MB RAM. Due to the partition structure of v3.00 and all versions going forward, some extra configuration in SCSI2SD is required. This guide will show the steps needed to get the SxSI-SCSI HDD Image running on the following devices:
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