T-95 LSW - Rainbow Six Wiki
The T-95 LSW, this light machine gun is capable of downing Light Armored Operators in three shots, but four for the other two. Combined with its slow rate of fire and moderate recoil, …
枪械伤害性能数据比对表 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom …
在《彩虹六号:围攻》中,霰弹武器伤害需要考虑到弹丸命中数量,结合最快连点发射速度才能代入计算公式。 而弹丸命中数量受到了武器扩散率和目标距离影响,除此之外在实际战斗过程 …
Rainbow 6 Siege Best Attachments For Every Operator
2022年9月8日 · Second Best Attachment: T-95 LSW with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – This is for players who really don’t want any damage reduction in their weapons from …
T-5 SMG 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
彩虹六号:围攻/武器装备现实考证 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科 …
t-5 smg JS9 官方定名为CS/LS2冲锋枪(警用及出口型05式微声冲锋枪,也被称为JS9毫米冲锋枪), 虽然是作为外贸枪械但是目前并没有出口到其他国家,而在国内警队中有很多装备, 中国 …
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Ying Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年6月3日 · T-95 LSW with Magnified B, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + Q-929 with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade Image Ying specializes in the front lines and taking …
T-5 SMG - Rainbow Six Wiki
The T-5 SMG is a submachine gun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation Blood Orchid expansion pack and is available for use by Lesion …
Weapons - R6S.skin
universal seasonal 416-c carbine 552 commando 556xi ak-12 ak-74m ar33 arx200 aug a2 c7e c8-sfw commando 9 f2 f90 g36c l85a2 m4 m762 mk17 cqb para-308 pcx-33 pof-9 r4-c sc3000k …
New Legendary Skin For Ying's T-95 LSW : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2018年3月6日 · you used to be able to buy good skins with renown, now its all in alpha packs, which would be fine, if they were released at multiple tiers. you don't think its odd that these …
T-95主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
t-95是一款正在研發中的俄羅斯主战坦克,由t-90发展而来。 該車擬搭載 2A83 152mm 滑膛砲 ,可能裝載世上前所未有的大口徑炮,因此配有高自動化裝彈和小型化的無人炮塔以減輕重量。