GitHub - gkd-kit/gkd: 基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定 …
基于 高级选择器 + 订阅规则 + 快照审查 实现根据屏幕上下文信息自定义点击目标控件. 本应用 默认不携带任何规则,需自行添加本地规则,或者通过订阅链接的方式获取规则. 也可通过 subscription-template 快速构建自己的远程订阅. 第三方订阅列表可在 https://github.com/topics/gkd-subscription 查看. 要加入此列表, 需点击仓库主页右上角设置图标后在 Topics 中添加 gkd-subscription. https://gkd.li/guide/selector. @ [vid="menu"] < …
GitHub - Adpro-Team/GKD_THS_List: GKD第三方订阅收录名单
GKD第三方订阅收录名单. Contribute to Adpro-Team/GKD_THS_List development by creating an account on GitHub.
GTK – 4.0 - GTK 文档
键盘代码、组和修饰符 Cairo 交互 Pango 交互 Wayland 交互 X 窗口系统交互 macOS 交互 类层次结构
GTK Documentation
GTK is the primary library used to construct user interfaces. It provides user interface controls and signal callbacks to respond to user actions. GTK API reference. An intermediate layer which …
Gdk.Event - GTK
A GdkEvent contains a union of all of the event types, and allows access to the data fields in a number of ways. The event type is always the first field in all of the event types, and can always be accessed with the following code, no matter what type of event it is:
Microsoft GDK Package Releases - Unity Discussions
2024年6月10日 · The Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) is a set of tools, APIs, extensions, and programming models that can be used to develop games on Microsoft gaming platforms. Use the Microsoft GDK packages provided by Unity to benefit from the features provided by the Microsoft Game Development Kit.
Quick links (contents) - Microsoft Game Development Kit
2024年6月19日 · Describes how to access Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) development resources, such as forums, documentation, samples, and downloads. A glossary of Gaming Runtime terms. Provides an overview of porting guides that are available in the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK).
Gdk.Display - GTK
Most of the input device handling has been factored out into separate GdkSeat objects. Every display has a one or more seats, which can be accessed with gdk_display_get_default_seat() and gdk_display_list_seats(). Output devices are represented by GdkMonitor objects, which can be accessed with gdk_display_get_monitor_at_surface() and similar APIs.
Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) : r/gamedev - Reddit
2021年6月25日 · The GDK contains a bunch of new API's, previously only available to Xbox Developer Program members. The original GDK was split into two parts: GDK and GDKX and now the only piece that requires Xbox Developer Access is the GDKX as it …
textures and paintables – GTK Development Blog
2018年3月16日 · Lots of constructors exist to create textures from files, resources, data or pixbufs. But the biggest difference between textures and pixbufs is that they don’t expose the memory that they use to store the pixels. In fact, before gdk_texture_download() is called, that data doesn’t even need to exist. And this is used in the GL texture.